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Acl and meniscus surgerie
Posts: 94
Karma: 10
hi im going to have my ACL and Meniscus surgerie and was wondering, how ever had that king of surgerie, and how long does it take to heal perfectly. ill try to keep that tread alive evryday of the recovery session.
tomorow step one: surgerie at 7h in thje morning
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
SURGERY, not surgerie. I've had 3 surgeries on my right ACL(s) and you're good to go in full in 6-8 months usually if you do your rehab properly.
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I skied after 4 months, like actualy skiing and shit. But i really didnt feel way good til like 6 months.
Posts: 94
Karma: 10
^^ sorry im french, loll, just smoke 7g its 11:32 and my SURGERY is in 7h30. so well see how that happen
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i'll invite you to the acl cult
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Karma: 28
way to long, just my miniscus put me out for a month but the i ripped my acl up bad on it's own and i was looking at 7 months of rehab...worst 7 months ever
Posts: 1774
Karma: 2
ughhh im getting knee surgery in july . should be fun :(
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
It depends on how badly you tore it. If it's really bad it may never be the same again, otherwise you'll probably be looking at 4-8 months for a normal recovery time, most likely toward the longer end. Just remember that it's better to take it easy too long than to mess it up again by being too active too early.
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Karma: 1,126
i had surgery on my acl and both the meniscuses in my left knee 6 weeks ago and this is the first week im really walking and can stand for extended periods of time. both the doctor and p.t. say that its 6-8 months for a full recover, and over a year to be truely back to normal
Posts: 94
Karma: 10
ya well, the surgery went well, morphine took over the pain. loll
now im starting the recovery treatment, i got some pic of the surgery, so ill post soon.
to anyone that gonna have that surgery, good luck, i didnt think it was taht painfull after the surgery.
i took 3 shot of morhpine, and for the first time in 20 years, i was crying of pain, so they gave me 3 other shot :)
Posts: 94
Karma: 10
i believe u man, does anyone know if i can smoke with the pain killer, or i wont be able to smoke weed till im done with those???
Posts: 1527
Karma: 342
like surgery on your right ACL multiple times, or you are a mutant and have more than one acl in each knee?
cause multiple surgerys would suck, i had to get a laser scope on my menscus a couple months ago because it tore from a rugby mishap.
i tore my MCl at the same time but luckily it is the only ligament in the knee with enough blood flow that it will regrow without surgery as long as it is not ripped completely off the bone. so i dont need surgery i just need to take it easy for a long time and cant ski to my full potential next winter.
Posts: 2490
Karma: 15
been there done that.
it took me about 8 months to get back fully, just do all the recovery and working out or else you'll be screwed and won't ski good.
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
like 3 surgeries on my right ACL (singular). One to clean out the area, cut off half of my ACL (cause I ripped it halfway) and then 2 weeks later I ripped it the rest of the way. Then Reconstruction and then a year later, a psuedo-reconstruction because it tore again.
Posts: 6598
Karma: 18
man, its all about proper re-hab. I blew off alot of my therapy cause it took to long and now have on/off pain in the knee
Posts: 15350
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Posts: 1527
Karma: 342
ouch man that really sucks, the coach on my school ski team has had his recostructed a couple times too.
Posts: 3398
Karma: 10
i had my acl reconstructed nov 10th 2005, and right now my knee feels good, im working it out hardcore and i still get some pain on the front (they took a graft of my patella tendon) and thats normal they say. i was cleared to play football at the start of may (6 month point), although i felt i could have probably played a month or so earlier.
to be honest i cant even remember what its like to have a "normal" knee, and ive gotten used to the pain/stiffness, etc... that comes with the surgery
Posts: 2279
Karma: 27
yup im a month out of mine, ACL complete tear, MCL complete tear, and 4 tears in meniscus. I can walk fine etc, and am in the gym all the time, only thing is stairs are still hard, and my double leg press is now half of my usual single leg press.
Posts: 3482
Karma: 9
well i did my acl and mcl and i was out for about 7 months.
Posts: 1956
Karma: 13
this is really rough. i had the acl/patellar tendon graft and my meniscus removed. that was june 8th, and they told me i wouldnt be skiing at all this year. right now im less than 4 weeks out of surgery and im walking on it fine without the brace. if i keep recovering like this not skiing will be a bitch. i guess doctor to doctor the recovery time varies.....they told me itd be a year before i could ski, but who knows. good luck to anyone who has it done...
rehab rehab rehab
only thing that will make it better
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
it's so much fun!
gosh oh gee i'm thinking about fucking the other one up just for another go!
Posts: 1075
Karma: 10
Man, I tore my ACL and meniscus too. I'm waiting to the the orthoscopic surgeon i think? Hopefully I get in to see him and have surgery soon. Fucking sucks.
I got one of those hella expensive braces though, not that I wear it often...anyone wanna give me an invite to the cult to?
Posts: 21048
Karma: 5,062
i can't talk from experience, but my dad tore his acl playing rugby when he was younger, and for physio, he swam every day for a year in order to get it back to 100%. all i can suggest is that you stay active and do what you can to regain strength in your knee.
Posts: 1734
Karma: 40
i had an ACL reconstruction on June 15 and haven't taken any pain killers because i've never felt like i needed them. i'm getting the functional full weight-bearing brace today and i can walk around and stuff pretty well...going down stairs is still kind of tough. i'm hoping to be skiing by the end of october, so about the 4 month mark.
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