As we all know (if you didn't well listen up) 4 Muslim teenagers had the intention of blowing up the parlement, attacking and kidnapping parlement members and killing our prime minister.
I hear both sides: "they are kids with nothing else to do" and "We should lock them up for life without parol".
Then, when watching documenteries on CBC, all they talk about is fear. One reporter tried to rationalise with the failiure of multi-culturism and social suppression that leads to extremism. Then, I hear a bunch of other Muslims that say they are a minority and their religion forbids them for violent action. A man blows up behind them screaming the name of Allah.
And then we get the fucked up solutions: kill all muslims, created an anti-muslim partie in defend our culture, ban religion in all (except Christianism) ect...
Well I guess this did turn into a rant. But, my point is that the media is turning this story to a horror story, people are becoming paranoid and the media can't get enough of it.We all agree something must be done, but what? If we done something, it will aggravate the situation, but if we do nothing, the situation could get worse.
great, this has become a third world war.