Replying to Rant on Vague Thread Names
Why is it that people make call their thread something so vague? I find myself clicking on stuff that, upon seeing, I realize I don't care about in any way. Here's an example of some of the thread titles in the NSG right now:
need help
help a brother out
hard game
advise for the wise...
wtb blades
Since January 28th, there have been 50 threads with "need help" in the title...while alot of them are a little more specific, most (20 or so) don't elaborate more than saying "urgently" or "right nowwwwwwwwwww" if even at all.
Personally, I like to be of as much help as possible. But I can't be of much help finding a ski shop in some kids local town or finding out what suit that chris myers from the jibij team has. I often click on threads that I am not interested in, simply because of a stupid title. This may sound very trivial to people, but think about. You click on a link, read the first post, and realize that you don't care, you have to back up and get to the forum again and click on something else. Then, you come back the next day, click on a vague thread title once again, only to realize it's the same one you didn't want to look at the day before. It's a lot of time wasted.
It's not that hard to think of a decent thread title. Think of it as a thread thesis statement. Instead of putting "need help," put "I get an error message when I try to send messages on NS...Please help"
So everybody, take the time to put a bit more in that nifty little box right above your mesage when you're creating a thread. People will love you for it.
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