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Posts: 6561
Karma: 1,375
if you read over the discussion from last night about line, you will realize that jay lev is still a shady person. there were certain questions that he was very hesitant to answer. he would give open ended and passive answers to those questions.
last year lines skis were suposed to be the best quality around because nothing changed. they werent they were worse skis than before. and this year he says they will be better quality, yea because line is no longer in charge of putting them together.
he was also hesitant about answering the mini blade questions...... and weather or not the vt center is still going to exist. no its not becuase now its going to be in some huge office in california, that even if you could find it you probably wont be able to go in there and see whats going on.
you can let jay shit in your ear with all of these promises how he didnt sell out. and how its good for line, well it is good for line because they dont make their skis anymore. that just means in the end they really arent lines.
look at me im jlev, im so core i used to make skis in my garage. now look at me im still core as fuck but some china men make my skis in someone elses enormous factory, where there is no love involved. they used to put love into every aspect of the production process we used to make our skis by hand, in canada, by people who probably really loved to ski. now they are just some other huge ski company out there.
LINE HAD ITS PEAK the year of the 186 pollard pro, and the chronic, the skogen, and the mike nick. those were incredible skis, burly as fuck, made by hand with love. as soon as line went to china line isnt line anymore no matter what jay tried to push down your ear canal.
line should drop its name because they no longer stand for the same thing. i think they should be called Line2.
yea im still bitter as fuck that they wouldnt warranty my skis.
Posts: 2428
Karma: 5
i understand completely, but yeah, 4frnt is making theirs in the Option snowboard factory
Posts: 693
Karma: 10
" they used to put love into every aspect of the production process we used to make our skis by hand, in canada, by people who probably really loved to ski. now they are just some other huge ski company out there."
^That statement is 100% correct.
The engineers that worked in the Cowansville (Canada) factory seemed to enjoy building the skis and I know that I enjoyed working there. I know there are other employee that also loved working there because they were skiers too.
I doubt there are as much skiers working for their love of the sport in the China factory as there was in the one in Canada...
Posts: 7
Karma: 10
Bottom "Line": Jay was in a desperate situation running a failing business and Line was on the brink of collapse. K2 being a shrewd, well run corporation took adavantage of this and got it for next to nothing.
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
YOu know what though.......i think he was forcing himself in the Q and A. Trying to make this into a good situation.......but i think he honestly no choice in selling. Think about it......this is his baby....his life's work......and he sold it to some dude he does not even know.
I think Trak sports fucked him over big time.....overuled him....and sold it to K2.
Plus i dissagree with moving all the shit to china. Lets just say......the scene in china is not all that well known for a reason. Plus in Canada we have the best factories for skis (in my mind anyways).....hell even Osaka skis make there shit here.
Posts: 921
Karma: 11
Did you even bother to read what he said?
Two direct quotes from the man himself in that thread. I think they make it perfectly clear how he felt about K2:
"Big, corporate, understands where the sport is going and supports it"
"Dude, they are our biggest competitor because they were one of the few large companies that got it. I thought they were super corporate and big but always knew they knew what was up anyway but obviously they weren't small like us so we were able to focus exclusively on this direction of the sport which gives us our own advantages over the big guys which is the reason they saw value in buying us because we are what they aren't and thats exactly why they are supporting us to make sure we stay that way and around for years to come to support you"
And stop getting pissy whenever someone bumps this thread back to the top just because you know it show's everyone what a load of shit you're talking.
Posts: 6561
Karma: 1,375
do you know where you are rich??? i clearly stated that he said yes k2 is big and corporate.
i think jay s thoughs of k2 were not that or that they were going in the right direction. im sure he thought they were just some big piece of shit corporation. all that line was fighting against.
last fall jay had to do the same thing on here. and what did he do then??? he lied to everyone who took the time to read the post.
"no line is not in money troubles, we dropped our team simply so we could support YOU better." *LIE* obviously there are money issues.
"we are making our skis now in china because its cheaper, but that wont take away from quality because we simply moved our equiptment there." *LIE* this years skis were garbage. my friends prophets the bindings tore out and the tips and tails delamed, how many pairs of invaders broke, better yet who didnt break their invaders? my elizabeths broke, my friends motherships broke.
the minute line is totally honest with everyone that has supported them for years and they feel like they dont have to lie or give passive answers to questions will be the day that EVERYONE is stoked on line. maybe they can also admit they shouldnt have made a soft ski ie. elizabeth with no mounting plate........ and not try to pass blame on the people who mounted the skis.
Posts: 8258
Karma: 214
A fellow member asked me to post the following because they can't post due to a promise with a friend:
Oh, and I heard this from a K2 insider and an article.This is not coming from me, it's from a K2 insider:
Here goes:
i've been looking around on NS for a while and have seen a little bit of confusion about the Line to K2 stuff.
Line is not using K2 tech. They are only recieving capital from K2, and K2 gets some of Line's profit. Line will not change, except for more backup from K2 and an office move.
Posts: 195
Karma: 10
yeah i cant believe he didnt say that. it would have been so good for his job. what a sell-out, non-core, corporate backstabber.
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
I just wish there were people involved in this industry that didn't feel they have to think twice about what they say, because what they say is truly what they believe.
I genuinely wish that a little thing called public relations didn't exist, and people had enough faith to believe that the people that support them want to hear what they genuinely have to say.
I want to read a fucking poem jlev wrote the night before this all went down. What was he really thinking? I want to see the raw thought process. Know that this was genuinely a hard decision for him to make. Know that he thought for hours and hours on end what the average skier would think of this, and how they would think it affects the sport.
But well. It's capitalism. I guess it's too much to ask for a company that considers itself to be "for the skier" to think about what said skiers will feel about such an action.
*sigh* capitalism is organized crime.
Posts: 16909
Karma: 4,683
why do you think k2 is going in the wrong direction, and a big piece of shit, because they have money and can make an intire division that is soly working on twintips, wow, yea having people like pep and seth help with designing skis, is so seperate from the true freeskier, those guys have no idea about what makes a good twintip. And also Seth and Pep Fujas are good enough that they could sign with any ski company out there, yet for some reason they still ski with k2.
on another note, many people on this site believe that big companies never do anything progresive or new, volkl (another k2sports owned company was the first company to come out with an expert level fat ski, the explosive. damn I am glad they did. and by the way what non line "core" company has come out with a progressive idea, or are they all just copping what the big companies have been doing for years.
Posts: 2806
Karma: 476
You kids amaze me sometimes, wake up from your little liberal mountain towns and smell the fucking starbucks. This is not an example of big business little business. Line is a worldwide multimillion dollar company. You kids starting a hat company or a a t-shirt company dont have a clue what business is about. Listen to schiemes and listen t j lev. Of course he isnt going to answer every question 15 year old kids send him. There is no way he is going to let is consumer base know everything that he knows. The dealer is always more informed then the consumer. J must know a little something for him to CREATE A COMPANY AND BRING IT WORLDWIDE. Line hasnt been a garage ski company for a few yars now, this is just the crest of that wave which he is now going to ride for a lot longer wit backing from k2 instead of trak.
Pleassse graduate high school take a business class or two, maybe work for a ski company(not a ski store) and then come back with your opinion
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
Man.....that is bullshit. You don't have to sell what you created to make money man. If he really gave a shit about it......he would not have sold it....would you sell your kid.....well that is sort of the same thing man. This is something he created, his baby......blood, sweat and tears.
Now he just says....sure.....what the hell we might be goin out of buisiness......got to cover our asses. Well that is bullshit...no matter what the real world is. You stick by shit through thick and thin....if not...well then you are a greedy mother fucker who does not give a shit about the people you are selling to.
Posts: 690
Karma: 12
Posts: 16909
Karma: 4,683
but not his sperm! and a company is nothing close to a child, and just how does this screw the consumers?
Posts: 4462
Karma: 298
no matter what he says.....the skis will change....and it will not be line skis anymore. China make fucking shitty skis.....and personaly......you schould make skis were people like skiing.
This company is not skiing's future......it woun't be if it is part of something else. I am just going to enjoy 4frnt skis now ( made in canada, stocks own by pros), they have a system that i like.
Like i said before...hey may have sold Line to K2....but this might have alienated his market group......so might go tits up anyways.
Posts: 3036
Karma: 45
i'd sell my kid if it was going to die and that was the only way to save it
Posts: 430
Karma: 33
So... you do know that Line skis were already made in China right? If anything, moving to the K2 factory in china will be better, due to their experience.
Think about this, Jay did everything he could for Line to support freeskiing, but his dreams were limited by his budget. Then K2 says they can help make his dreams happen. So he sells the company to them, but still gets to make the decisions, and can finally make things he always wanted to make. How again is that a bad thing?
Posts: 2587
Karma: 2,463
seriously, its not a hard word. anyone who plays pong should know it, which should be anyone over the age of 14..coem on, were skiers here.
Posts: 454
Karma: 10
"hard decision" hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahha
Posts: 1772
Karma: 11
the only thing wrong with his rebuddle was it didnt last long enough, and i wasnt able to ask him some questions, other then that, i was very satisfied with his responses
Posts: 1557
Karma: 61
Actually, a guy at one of my local shops said that line was going to be sold again, so I asked on here (Ski Gabber) and SnowNinja came on here himself and said, "Oh yeah, line the first of the core companies is going to be sold, seriously I don't know where you guys come up with this stuff". Def. a little sketch considering that was Feebruary.
Posts: 6561
Karma: 1,375
december was when he came on and made all of those comments, not february. lets keep discussing this... you are all so quick to point fingers.
i happen to ride k2 skis and they are probably the best skis ive skied on. i am not bashing k2 skis.
second like 15 people have pointed out that rebuddle is spelled wrong. wow good work guys english class is so fun! you get an A+ !!!!
third this is an amazing deal for line. i never said it wasnt. its just not line skis anymore, not handmade not from the best materials possible.
Posts: 16909
Karma: 4,683
The way the skis are made probly wont change that much, there is not that many ways you can make skis. it will only be the chinese instead of canadians who make them. And they the skis are still going to be designed by the line design team, not the K2 skis design team.
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