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Snowboarders- the enemy>?
Posts: 5898
Karma: 44
aighty i'm bored so i feel like throwing in my 2 cents
ok well frist i wanna say snowboarding is dope
for all u people who dont like em u wouldnt b on this website.
snowboarders started the freestyle and trick movement
they invented steeze then we started landing switch and gettin all low and steezey
so basicaly snowboarding is our father
and that is my deal
critize it all u want
Posts: 8068
Karma: 43
im pretty sure they started landing switch and gettin low first.
we just ran with it.
Posts: 5898
Karma: 44
yeah but when we started thats when we started our sking steeze
Posts: 4801
Karma: 868
ya its just gonna start hate. both are ill, both deserve respect
Posts: 1403
Karma: 12
I think it's at least 135626765568734 posts about this already....
But,I consider them the ENEMY,haha
Posts: 1892
Karma: 16
well, im my opinion, the only diffrence is that snowboarding has a shit load of little 6th graders who think theyre all xcore cause they do a totally rad and unmainstream sport.
Posts: 1563
Karma: 14
i agree even thought thurs a ton of threads
Posts: 1403
Karma: 12
There are some kids like that who skiis...
Posts: 5898
Karma: 44
^yeah i ski with ttwo of im my opinion are the best for their age in the area one i say is best in the state
hes disgusting
connor lynch? anyone john oconner
i barely ski with other twin tippers casue my friends dont ski they board so i had to post this in respect to them
Posts: 753
Karma: 26
why does every one no this site think tht others dont lke snowboarders. like this is getting redicilious. THe battle between skiers and snowboarders is over. the only tensioj that i see is between the poser boarders and the stuck up racers
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
yea its pretty annoying wen you see skiers saying stuff like "i hate snowboarders" just because theyre snowboarders, or wen snowboarders say that stuff
Posts: 2827
Karma: 8
ya man i hate when skiers hate so much on snowboarders. its so gay, they have noe reason to hate so much.
Posts: 1879
Karma: 101
how bout we ski, and let them board and not say a word about it. if they like it, so be it?
Posts: 5898
Karma: 44
o so i just thought of more
how bout this i no alot about snowboarding , brands sstyles tricks ect.
is it just me or are snowboarders not into skiers
like they dont know bout our tricks and ect.
Posts: 6204
Karma: 51
actually in the 70's people started doing freestyle skiing long before the snurfer came along. (trust me i did a school research project on it)
Posts: 10750
Karma: 7,995
no, no, snowboarders are very much the enemy. You really can't a much worse nemesis than snowboarders. Just the sound of it sounds evil. Say it a few times: Snowboarding. Snow boarding. Snooowww boarding. Definitely the enemy.
Posts: 1403
Karma: 12
Posts: 3909
Karma: 223
terrain parks were given to us by the shibby aliens from the planet Spaghettio 8. I don't know where you are getting this "snowboarders are like our fathers" thing from, you need to review your history.
Posts: 5898
Karma: 44
damn i was sick that day, spaghettio 8?
i thought it was nagon 3
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
Most of my friends are snowboarders.
Posts: 2904
Karma: 12
i snowboard and ns is my favorite website.aand this is over.
Posts: 308
Karma: 25
i think snowboarding is more like our cool/crazy uncle we all have and we fallowed him and not our Father IE moguls..
Posts: 1300
Karma: 122
yea man, i deffinitely agree, i have one of those uncles too so i can see where your coming from
Posts: 1772
Karma: 11
why do people still make threads about this?
Posts: 1282
Karma: 14
dude mfm is fucking crazyyy... shit he has a gold plated deagle. dont fuck wit mfm
Posts: 1271
Karma: 731
I respect snowboarding and all that. But skiing is the best!
Posts: 703
Karma: 10
alot of my friends snowboard and i think its cool but i just way prefer ski
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
I know Connor. He's stoked on life.
Posts: 7935
Karma: 25
this kid is an idiot, we got low?
Posts: 7935
Karma: 25
watch one love then tell me who gets low
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
Dis guy balls up in da libraary!!! YA HURD?!?!
Posts: 505
Karma: 194
did you ever hear of moguls
moguls came before boarders
the mogull bums got bored with the bumps and wanted more air
so they started to build there own jumps
or something like that
Posts: 867
Karma: 21
ok i'm throwing this out there, not sure if its true so feel free to correct. skiers invented snowboards, snowboarders invented twin tip skis. so without skiers, snowboards might not exist, and without snowboars twin-tips might not exist. so each side kind of owes the other in a way.
Posts: 555
Karma: 24
snowboarding isnt that bad but yea im sick of arguing about it
Posts: 783
Karma: 15
I snowboard, and I think skiers are allright. I ski, and I think snowboarders are allright.
Posts: 4221
Karma: 13
for the most part i ride with snowboarders and we always have fun
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