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Wanna be an ec headwear rep?
Posts: 6042
Karma: 2,200
pm me i might be interested in some
Posts: 6042
Karma: 2,200
wow some people are fast, ok give me your name, age, where u ski/live, and why u think u could be a good rep
Posts: 3800
Karma: 452
Posts: 2658
Karma: 20
coudl i be a ski rep? my name is paulo gonzalez mauralez bonzalez conucho and i live in moreillia mexico and have never seen el snow but i tihnk i could be a use to you because i work for 1$ an hour and will smuggle your drugs.
Posts: 4120
Karma: 41
Don't be a pussy, this guy seems legit.
Posts: 16030
Karma: 151
already told people about EC in Australia..
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
Posts: 1800
Karma: 1,196
Posts: 1880
Karma: 368
Posts: 2857
Karma: 124
Posts: 4502
Karma: 47
i'll rep them at my school if u want, theres tons of kids that follow every new trend if they see someone "cool" wearing it
Posts: 2904
Karma: 12
^are you implying you think your cool??
Posts: 6042
Karma: 2,200
alright i still gotta figue this out, i got about 30 pms, and i may get more so be patient
Posts: 6651
Karma: 1,286
Posts: 8670
Karma: 2,190
hahaha, i got a kick outta that
Posts: 6042
Karma: 2,200
haha now im up to like 50 somehtings responses
Posts: 6651
Karma: 1,286
so have you picked me yet??
Posts: 106
Karma: 10
Posts: 4502
Karma: 47
Posts: 1563
Karma: 14
thats sick sent you pm matt
Posts: 2564
Karma: 5
Posts: 923
Karma: 11
i would but at mountain creek, pinky headwear already has all boarders as their slaves and, the boarder to skier ratio is like 10:1 so i cnt really help you but a free hat would be nice
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
just do it, it would at least get a few people to buy more ec headwear stuff
Posts: 923
Karma: 11
u wanna take over creek with ec headwer eddy, it will be like an all out battle between good and evil, ec vs pinky, steeze vs unsteeze
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
yea thats true, and we would get fukin owned because there so many awesome snowboarders at creek
Posts: 2785
Karma: 474
i sent u a pm, hope to hear back soon
Posts: 163
Karma: 9
a rep for a headwear company.....wow good joke
Posts: 3227
Karma: 46
i presonally think it would be sick
Posts: 2785
Karma: 474
Posts: 11976
Karma: 296
Posts: 163
Karma: 9
you kids these days will do anything to get on a companies shlong. omg omg rep for a HEADWEAR company OMG OMG OMG OMG!
Posts: 1403
Karma: 12
Get your postcount higher.Then maybe people will listen to what you say,not just laugh at you.
And btw,It's Fujative,Fugative
Posts: 2094
Karma: 70
this is ns, its not the number of posts its what date you became a member
Posts: 2442
Karma: 36
ah yes, i love correcting noobs. It is of course partially the date joined, yet look at almostaskier, stowebum, sean, just to list a few, they have crazy high post counts, yet have only been on this site a little bit over a year and they still get mad respect.
Posts: 11456
Karma: 634
Post count doesn't mean anything. Its all about attitude.
Posts: 163
Karma: 9
just cause i post when i feel, and not to every little thread telling people what kind of fucking toothpaste i use doesn't i'm a newb. i joined this site before you sooo suck a dick, no homo.
dude im glad you can spell. this is a username. who said i had to spell anything right?
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
fugative1800 joined before you pal.....
Posts: 4979
Karma: 10,708
hahahaha buddy you only have 260 posts yourself.
Posts: 6598
Karma: 18
not true, my join date on this account is only like jan something of this year, so why would you judge at that. I have been on this sit for like 4 years now but it wouldnt say that now would it, why cause iv been banned 3 times
Posts: 6598
Karma: 18
and i actually dont know if any one has respect for me on this site, and i dont know where im going with this
Posts: 161
Karma: 10
Posts: 1563
Karma: 14
you must be a dumbass to be banned 4 times
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
Posts: 6042
Karma: 2,200
i think i'll make the dead line for entries, this friday the 9th
Posts: 1563
Karma: 14
Posts: 4502
Karma: 47
u don't have that many posts urself buddy. and you haven't been around very long, so i suggest you shut up. that kid has been here longer than you have.
Posts: 1036
Karma: 36
Posts: 1800
Karma: 1,196
im tired of all this post count stuff. ive been on for about a year and a half but i hardly post. they should put date joined in the forums also. anyone agree?
Posts: 2749
Karma: 1,137
... or just make your own hats
Posts: 1800
Karma: 1,196
or mayb they could put an hours on gage instead of post count
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