anyone that took any sort of environmental class or geography or anything knows that the diversity of the forest is its strength.
without diversity, there is no defense against diseases.
look at Elm trees, the Dutch Elm disease is killing them off like crazy right now but the elms that are deep in the forests are safe.
so what about humans?
diversity should be the same right?
Is globalization right? well, everyone knows the main pros and cons to this issue but what about the future of diversity?
the more we homogenize our society, the weaker we get in terms of evolution of the species.
so what the fuck are we doing?
i dunno where im going with this one either but this issue of diversity hit me when i was writting an exam and the question was on degredation of the forests in Thailand and how it affects the surounding area.
just made me think about how weak the forests got in Thailand the more they were homogenized after a clearcut with the planting of only one type of tree afterwards.
it will take 10-20 years for those forests in Thailand to grow back.
it would take 1-2 for them to be totally destroyed by disease.
even with all the medical breakthroughs today, we still cant fuck with nature. It still have a step up on us. We are nothing but another species on this planet.
Now matter what you think, nature controls us. Yes, we can fuck with nature (co2 emmissions) but it will fuck us right back twice as hard.
man the world is a fucked up place...