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Same version of XP on two computers?
Posts: 1704
Karma: 27
is there any way to put the same version of XP on two computers? i tried and it wont activate it, if anyone knows a download or somthing that would let me do it, it would be sweet. word
Posts: 11456
Karma: 634
We may help you better if you tell us what you are trying to do.
Posts: 1704
Karma: 27
i installed xp on my old computer and it says i have 30 days to activate it.
Posts: 11456
Karma: 634
So you switched computers? You should be able to activate it. What is the exact error?
Posts: 1704
Karma: 27
the other computer is for another kid who is going to be living in my house. And it wont let me register windows because its pirating software.
Posts: 11456
Karma: 634
i have the same version on 4 of my computers. don't register it just activate
Posts: 1001
Karma: 10
uh, how'd you do that. a legit copy of windows will only let you activate it on one machine. do you have some pirated volume license copy or something?
Posts: 11456
Karma: 634
nope its xp pro. I bought it last year.
Posts: 1892
Karma: 16
probably someone stole your key and registered it.
Posts: 2367
Karma: 13
Im reporting you along with your IP address to Microsoft.
Posts: 1704
Karma: 27
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
that might be the reason.
Posts: 8345
Karma: 25
google for xp keys
many universitys have them for free
Posts: 1704
Karma: 27
i keep getting keys but they are all incorect according to the program on the computer. And im not really sure what im looking for either
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
bill gates will personally come and give him "suprise sex"
Posts: 1069
Karma: 178
try calling the number they give u wen it says u dont have the right key... you haveta talk to some outsourced job person in india, but eventually just say u hadda reinstall cuz of a virus or something, and they should give u a key number... oh, they do ask if it is installed on any other computers, i duno if they actually check or not tho
Posts: 1411
Karma: 28
Once you cant use windows anymore call the number thats it says on the screen.Tell the person u reinstalled xp after the computer crashed and its activating right. The person should give you a good key. ( DO NOT say its on two computers)
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
yeah you dont need a seperate version, we have the same version on 3 comps in my house, and about 6 comps in my dorms
Posts: 741
Karma: 9
Yeah, its supposed to work that way. However, it rarely does. With the same key, I installed windows on my comp, then built a new comp, installed same key on that one, then installed it on my brother's computer. All with no complaints from microsoft. Honestly, did you really expect it to work the way they claimed?
Posts: 11456
Karma: 634
We got a call from microsoft saying it was installed on 2 different computers. My mom told them we'll take it off one then never did and installed it on more computers. No complaints from them.
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