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College life in utah: sex, drugs, and rock n' roll
Posts: 3990
Karma: 20
so its 4 am and i can't sleep, i have been trying to sleep since 2, and the one time i finally fall asleep i get waken up by one of my ROOMMATES HAVING SEX, ugh, well good for her, but fuck this shit!!!!
for all you fellow college kids you know what i am going through. not to mention i took ATON of my friends A.D.D. medicine today before my only final. ya i feel like shit, fuck CONSERTA, i took 10 mg of aderal and then 2 conserta, in other words way way more ADD medicine then i should of ha. And this was a 530 this afternoon. so now i can't fall asleep and my heart beat is all fast and shit. Not Kosher.
what is everyone up doing? its 4 am, i am bored!!!!!
how are your finals going?
Posts: 2999
Karma: 365
jump in on the sex? its something to do
Posts: 5970
Karma: 21
yea i was about to say. get laid and then youll be too tired to do anything else. so you can sleep.
Posts: 467
Karma: 10
i took way to much aderal once... fucking stayed up all night, that shit sucks. try have to try eating someting or exercising to work the drug out, i would reccomend getting in on that sex
Posts: 2960
Karma: 15
why didnt you jump in on the sex
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
im running on 60mg of adderall right now studying for finals, i love the stuff.
Posts: 352
Karma: 10
Haha! It Never pays taking pick me ups.
Do something productive like cleaning, ironing, planning, playstation..
Posts: 3990
Karma: 20
no i took this shit cause it helps me soooooo soooo much on exams. its rediculous how much better i do when i am on it. and i didn't even mean to take the conserta ha.
Posts: 2960
Karma: 15
concerta's weak sauce. none of that time release bullshit. adderall is what really gets you going. at least for me.
Posts: 2827
Karma: 8
haha thats funny sounds like ur screwed
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Karma: 54
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
coke will do u wonders i bet!
Posts: 3990
Karma: 20
so its 7, my friends just called me they have been up all night partying, i have slept for about 30 mins all night all together. THIS SUCKS!
the rock and roll is that i have listened to the same playlist about like 15 times now.
oh and last night my roommates had a party, i stepped out for a sec and they had locked our main door, so i knocked, well everyone thought i was an RA. haha funny shit, 2 kids jumped out of the window cause they thought i was an RA, i live on the 2nd floor, crazy kids, they need to cut down on the smoking just a bit
Posts: 1776
Karma: 13
How much longer do you have? This week is finals week for me, and I was up studying until 4. Couldn't sleep, because the janitors were getting it on outside my door. I'm going to leave right now to take a final. I can't wait till this is over.
Posts: 4571
Karma: 23
adderall=the best thing ever.
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
conserta can be hardcore...
Posts: 3990
Karma: 20
i have been pretty much done with school for the last 2 weeks, ii had one final and it was yesterday. Now i get to move out of my dorm, yeay fun, and into an apartment. packing up everything SUCKS
Posts: 2468
Karma: 25
dont ever take that shit if your going to take a d d rx to stay awake take menthyphenidate (ritilin) all that other shit really fucks with you, but rits are pretty clean. but at the same time fuck that shit as well you might ass well just do some fucking blow
Posts: 3990
Karma: 20
ha i didn't want to be up, i still don't want to be up, i want to SLEEP!!!!!
Posts: 1579
Karma: 10
so hit a fatty and go to bed
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
That sucks your roomates were having sex with you in the room, mad disrespect.
Posts: 7479
Karma: 15
its college, what are u suppose to do at 2am?
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
Well i live in a quad with 4 guys. We have a bedroom and a common room, closets and a bathroom, so i guess we have other places to go when everyone is asleep. I just think its kinda selfish someone getting major ass if you're just trying to sleep.
Posts: 3990
Karma: 20
oh no, i goto the u. of utah my dorm is AMAZING, i share it with 3 girls, we each have our own room, so 4 big bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, and a living room. ha! so nice but i think i heard her having sex not just in her room HA! crazy girls crazy girls
Posts: 6562
Karma: 107
should have forked over the scrilla for a single room or just lez'd out.
Posts: 7479
Karma: 15
still dorms suck even if it is one of those nice new dorms ive been in out at the U
Posts: 6598
Karma: 18
man i got a final on friday, so hello all nighters, what ever thou............almost done
Posts: 1776
Karma: 13
Yeah I have TWO fucking finals tomorrow. I'm so screwed, I'm not going to sleep much tonight.
Posts: 7479
Karma: 15
who the hell studies for finals? either you know it or u dont. this is my 5th year of college and I have maybe studied for 2 finals the whole time. and never an all nighter, maybe 1-2 hours max. any more than that and I get too anxious
Posts: 5736
Karma: 4,890
thats an interesting perspective
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
Which dorm do you live in, i was there over spring break visiting my friend.
Posts: 2486
Karma: 16
you ever think that that might be the reason your in your fifth year of college?
Posts: 7479
Karma: 15
you ever think that it might be a 5 year degree program? you are very dumb, see we have the leading college for co-op programs and we represent with the best.
Posts: 9027
Karma: 427
sex,drugs,rock and roll, drink a keg smoke a bowl, all you preps who think your kewl think again cause stoners rule.. well im not a stoner but i just wanted to sing that
Posts: 3304
Karma: 301
^ thats a little gay. maybe jsut cuz half the stoners at my school are preps but whatever
Posts: 2193
Karma: 27
actually, five years is about average now. look it up.
Posts: 2587
Karma: 2,463
you should be careful with addy. all my friends take it, ive ever done anythign like that, i only took ritalin once before the SATs because it made me read faster. but yea it helps study, but makes the rest of your life miserable after you dont need it anymore. my roomate takes it alot, and he smokes pot afterwards to even himself out, maybe try that? gotta love when your nose runs blue.(if you bump it) but thats a whole nother issue. dont put shit up your nose.
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
yeah ive been done with finals since tuesday and its been pretty nuts, all i know is im smoking a lot of blunts today, then getting hammered tonight cause everyone is done with finals and its just going to be a huge party on U street, but maybe you cant sleep cause of karma for throwing water balloons at oblivious stoned kids who you trick into walking towards your dorm, just a thought though
Posts: 2960
Karma: 15
ahaha did she hit you or something?
Posts: 3990
Karma: 20
^ haha that was funny shit, we didn;t even hit you! ha. so funny anna and i were geeking out like lil kids.
I live in sage point, its the good shit
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
yeah you didnt hit me, but i was just like what the fuck is happening im under attack, cause i definitely didnt expect water balloons
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