Okey, so i am not trying to be a dick here or anythign but it appears that a lot of people here are really shitty at drinking, or just a bunch of posers when it comes down to game time. basically i was just reading some threads and there's a bunch of peopel who don't understand that it is humanly possible to drink an entire beer in under 2 seconds. So for anyone who lives in a cave and does not know how to shot gun a beer, here's your crash coarse.
-1st buy some extra potent beer like wild cat (6.1%) this gets you extra fucked and your shotgunning beers in the first place so that you get fucked. MAKE SURE ITS IN CANS!
-2nd take a knife, or a a pair of keys or somehting and turn the beer sideways then cut a square whole between 1cm square and 1 inch square......fold in or take out the metal you cut out. if you have vampire teeth you can pop and cut the hole with your teeeth.
-3rd put your mouth over this hole and now put the can back to a vertical position....don't start drinking yet. get one hand ready to open the cap, count down open your throat nice and big, pop the cap, and then beer will just flow down your guzzard in a spray of glory.
its also bets to make sure this beer isn't too cold, as i find really codl beer fucks me up and i can't do ti right. mY firnd who is not a big guy or anything once did this 8 times in 30 mins, how his stomach held it i have no idea. my record is only 5 times in an hour....but there's only soo mcuh liquid your stomach can fit. ANYONE WHO has not shotgunned beofre, you have not lived or learned to drink properly at all until you have, so get your ass out there and do it right now. i am posting this cuz soome peeps where leik you can drink 12 once and hard bar at once, thats like driking a full beer....well you can most definatly do both.