yea but we can tell what the weather was doing hundreds of thousans of years ago. there are so many methods of research that you combine together to create a picture of what happened it the past. i mentioned the ways in earlier posts. obviously it impossible to know for sure because the essence of nature is that there are inheirently going to be anomolies and variations from the typical patterns. but from the data that we have been able to aquire all sources point to humans altering the upper atmosphere increaseing the green house effect
HERE, this is what the green house effect is.
1. the sun emits infared radiation (heat energy) towards the earth, it passes through the atmosphere and hit the earth.
2. some radiation is absorbed by the earth keeping it warm enough for us to survive like it always has and some is reflected off the surface; heading back out to space like it always has. the difference comes in the next steps
3. when the radiaton was reflected out into space 1000 years ago it would continue and disperese through the galaxy. now with the introdution on MOREEEE greenhouse gases CO2 methane gases created by industry, the radiation is trapped by these gases in the upper atmosphere (stratasphere i think) and is RE EMITED down upon earth again, some more is absorbed, reflects back up but is re emited. this cause more heat from the sun to be trapped on earth then would have before humans created the greenhouse effect. (note: cfcs and the ozone hole are not related to global warming) this is scientific FACT. NONE DEBATEABLE. it is proven in chemistry, based upon the charachteristic of these gases and the essence of heat that this WILL happen when these gases are put into the atmosphere. that is global warming, it in its self is a PROVEN FACT to occur, no scientist, president group of any intelligence denys that. the question andd debate is the effects of it, whether the recent spike in global mean temperature since the industrial revolution is due to global warming enitirely, somewhat or not at all. that is the question here. I think it is entirely responsible due to the fact the earth is in a natural cooling cycle and could possibly be entering an ice age right now if it wasnt for global warming. but dont say global warming istn real cause its proven