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Dislocated shoulder recovery?
Posts: 65
Karma: 10
so i dislocated my shoulder on Sunday in the Blackcomb park. hurt like a bitch but the patrol was very professional. Anyway doc said i gotta keep it in a sling for 10 days, than physio after that. Wondering if anyone else who has encountered this injury before has any info on recovery time and physio kinda stuff. thanks
Posts: 972
Karma: 357
I did mine on march 25'th, today was my first day back in the park... I was skiing pow within 10 days of injury... just take it easy as long as you can stand it
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My roomate did his snowboarding 2 months ago and hasn't ridden since. He's following physio and everything. Maybe there's different degrees of severity though, I don't know.
Posts: 1201
Karma: 113
hell of alot better than breaking or fractuing your clav...I did, it sucks!
Posts: 65
Karma: 10
im hoping its not too severe, poped back into place easily and i have some range of motion with it now but im gonna take my tiome and see physio
Posts: 696
Karma: 13
man dude i was there when you did that and as for recovery lets see i poped mine out the monday before the weekend and was riding at a moderate level on sat. so aslong as you sling it for a few days ice and heat and then right in to small weight exercizes you should be good to ride sooner then you think. for exersizes use like a 5 pound weight and lay on your back hold the weight in you hand and stick it straight up and make small circular motions untill your muscles get tired and then rest and repeat 3-4 sets other ones go see physio about cuz they do some dope stuff to get you back on the road.
Posts: 3001
Karma: 375
i did mine mid march and it ended my season. make sure you do the physio right and take it easy, cuz every time you dislocate it makes it easier to happen again. i still dont have enough strength in it to work out normally and im just concentrating on physio hard to get healthy for kayak season.
Posts: 1153
Karma: 345
I did mine the day after Christmas two years ago. Except I crushed my capsule, which is a ball that goes under your bone in the shoulder. My recovery was 8 months, but I felt pretty good after 6. After the 8 months, I started working it out really well...pullups and pushups help like mad. It didn't come out this year and I slammed on it really hard a bunch.
I hope for your sake that yours was not as bad, but when you get cleared to do so, I suggest that you do some pullups also to try to prevent from doing it again in the future and require surgery to shorten all the tendons and stuff in there. Just make sure you start slow because my friend popped his out doing pullups once too.
Posts: 6598
Karma: 18
yea man i did that last year, id say keep it in the sling and do the physio, but you can get back into skiing pretty fast, but you should do the physio. I stoped and now il have pain there after a day of skiing when i shouldnt.
Posts: 506
Karma: 11
I did mine 3 times, had surgery last year, then just did it again. make sure to take your time getting back skiing, cause its not worth it to do it over and over, it screws you for life.
Posts: 386
Karma: 69
pm rosemary - he's done it before. quick recovery. his x-rays were way funny because his arm was so far out of place. plus they pinched a nerve when they put it back into socket and his arm went numb for a few days.
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
I dislocated my left one (vid in profile) and it was the most painful experience. The shoulder was like to the right of the socket, I thought it was the collar bone again but it wasn't. After a few failed trys the shoulder went back into place on its own and that was the most painful drive home after that. Never went to go see a doctor, no sling, did everything normally, went skiing a few weeks later and I was fine. But the thing is that when I move it extremely, it like dies and hurts wicked bad for a minute or two... I should really get it checked out.
Posts: 2841
Karma: 73
I've done it quite a few times and skied like a week or so later. The thing is if you don't strengthen the muscles around your shoulder it will more than likely happen again. Wait till the soreness goes away to start rehabing it, and when hitting jumps and stuff try not to flail cause that shit hurts.
Posts: 7549
Karma: 14
it's such a weird injury. you can ski as soon as you feel better, but park is probably a bad idea until you strengthen it back to normal.
i dunno though, mine's been so fuckin weird, i did my right shoulder a couple seasons ago, and didn't do anything about, and did the same shoulder early this season. after that i joined a gym and rehabbed it a lot and it felt stronger.
then just the other day i was riding my bike and all i did was turn the handlebars a little to the left to set the bike on the ground and my shoulder popped out right there, just from turning my handlebars!!
Posts: 2214
Karma: 259
MAKE SURE YOU BUILD THE MUSCLES UP STRONGER THAN THEY WERE BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF NOT THIS IS GONNA FUCK YOU OVER FOR LIFE. i did mine and built it back up...still a little scetchy but you DONT want it to be a reoccuring problem
Posts: 1617
Karma: 84
i did mine a few weeks ago. i went skiing when it was in the sling. you can do things as long as u dont fall. make sure it heals. season is pretty much done so just miss the last little bit, it sucks but ns is pretty entertaining
Posts: 379
Karma: 10
it might only be a half dislocation if it slipped back in really easily. i've had like 15 of those and one true dislocation on my left shoulder cus its screwed up.
all u have to do is build up a bit more muscle with physical therepy. mine hasnt dislocated in like a year. u can always do the physical theripy on the lift too.
Posts: 65
Karma: 10
thanks for the info guys, ive already called it quits for this season but its not the skiing thats getting to me its being out of work, im a carpentry aprentice so i can exactly work but hopfully it will only be a couple weeks, and im gonna strengthen the hell out of it and the rest of my body over the summer.
Posts: 214
Karma: 10
ive disloacted mine like 7 times, the recovery time isnt that long till you can ski again but its a hella long time till you feel 100% agian, but the one thing you gotta remember is that your shouler will never be the same again. Itll slide out easier now and will not be as strong. At least thats what i found with mine. Considering the first time i poped it out my shoulder was down at my elbow.. maybe that has something to do with it who knows
Posts: 8198
Karma: 258
make sure you take rehab seriously. my friend didnt and re-fucked it and now hes out for soo long
Posts: 1955
Karma: 301
You could not be more wrong. I dislocated my shoulder in December of 2004 and have had horrible horrible problems with it ever since. It is by far the worst injury to have (besides paralysis). It will never heal itself no matter how much physio and training you do. It probably won't pop out again for a few months, but then one day it will randomly dislocate on something wierd that you won't suspect. and then it will be even looser. Then it will keep dislocating over and over and over and over and over. I've probably dislocated mine now over 100 times, and the surgery waiting list is like 18 months. I hope the best for you buddy, but I already know that you have a long, hard road of multiple, reoccuring dislocations ahead of you. Good Luck, and message me if you want to know the best way to relocate it on the hill or whatever.. I'm pro at it.
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Seeing I've done both dislocation and collar bone break (each on seperate shoulder) I'd say there about even for after-affects. My right shoulder (collar bone) will never be the same and still gets wicked irratated and sore after some physical exercise and will never heal while on the flipside, my left shoulder is now prone to more dislocations and hurts like a bitch for a few if moved wrong.
Posts: 1
Karma: 10
I've dislocated both my shoulders maany times and had to get surgery on btoh of them to fix the damage done..each was 3 months long recovery. Buut when I dislocated my shoulders I could ski the next day!
Posts: 53
Karma: 55
Heh, shoulders are the hsit man...
I dislocated mine on a backflip a few years ago, i was fine after like 2 weeks, but a year later i popped it again on a landing, and that was the satrt of the end.... i think i popped it like 100 times, sleeping, fooling around, etc...
I got surgery back in Quebec in 2004 and didnt dislocate it anymore, but the rehab is painfull!!! 6 months, 2 months without MOVING your arm except in phisio...
Posts: 909
Karma: 2,313
i've had surgery on both shoulders for dislocations and subluxations.
all i can tell you is to do your physio program religously in order to get your shoulder ligaments to tighten down again as best as they can. for now on, your shoulder stability is predicated upon ligament strength. and by the way, you cannot achieve this strength through normal upper-body workouts like bench-pressing, pull-ups, chin-ups and push-ups, etc. you will have to do specialized strenghtening exercises that are really annoying to do; but that's your only option you'll find out.
you are most at risk for another dislocation in the next several months until the soft tissue in your shoulder heals and strengthens again. So don't take any chances! or otherwise you will become a chronic shoulder dislocator like me, and you will need to have surgery at some point to repair it; and your shoulders will never be the same again.
good luck.
Posts: 10281
Karma: 36
start lifting heavy weights.
or else you're fucked.
Posts: 10281
Karma: 36
so how did you dislocate this shoulder...did you eat it hard off of some massive booter or what?
Posts: 932
Karma: 27
Mine dislocate everyday, i have some werid name ill have to look it up in my shoulders where its all loosey gooesy and the top plate on my right shoulder hasnt fused yet so its really tender, i had a bad dislocation last summer riding mt bikes i was out for 3 weeks, i still see pt.
Posts: 11349
Karma: 2,333
ive popped mine out 7 times in the last 2 months my rotator cuff is streched out so i ne pt but i have to see the orthopedic cause one time when my shoulder took a vacation from the joint it chipped my shoulder so i have a chip floating around in there somewhere. and if i throw like a baseball it will come out its that loose
Posts: 218
Karma: 10
i popped mine out playing hockey and wow did it hurt but after about 7 days i started lifting weights ( bout 5-10lbs) with that arm and just kept working on it for a couple days... after that it was as good as new.. no physio
Posts: 53
Karma: 55
in most cases of shoulder injuries tough, weight lifting is a good way, but most important (well for me) was to work my rotators... doing rotations with elastics intern et extern....
anyways, good see a physio if you can, its gonna help you
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