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Sitting on the back off you skis for speed and aerodynamic purposes
Posts: 2617
Karma: 23
ok, so i dont mean literally sitting on the tails, but rather than tucking and leaning forward youre in more of a sitting position. you know what i mean.
well i hate to break it to you, but this isnt a very efficient way of gaining extra speed. a normal racer tuck is the best way. you might say "racers have that position so they can go fast, but still be able to control a turn." but what about those world record guys that straight line at like a million miles an hour? they are over the front of there skis.
when you dont have your wait more over the tips (like it is when you are in a race style tuck), than you do ove the tails (when in the position i speak of), you skis tend to noodle about, sometimes rather subtley, but none then less, having poor edge control effects your speed way more than aerodynamic capability, specially when youre wearing baggy clothes.
also, when in a "proper" skiing position, you can pump throuh your turns to GAIN speed instead of shaving it off. im not saying that you can turn and go faster than a straightline on a nice long in run, but say you have a inrun thats a little short, you could carve into it and pump, similar to how you pump a transition, you night gain that extra little bit of speed.
im not trying to start nything huge here, but im just offering my advice/opinion/thing. word.
Posts: 52
Karma: 10
I think the sitting thing looks cooler than a racer tuck
Posts: 2047
Karma: 367
i think your completely wrong. i'd just like to agree to disagree and that's all
Posts: 5670
Karma: 18
Yea but the people who tuck like that arent really trying to get that much speed. they just sort of use it to regroup or something. Now look at someone going into a big jump like chads and they will never sit tuck, because they know what you know.
Posts: 61846
Karma: 125,609
Actually sittin on your skis makes you fucking hall dude, sorry but maybe a racer tuck might add 1mph to your speed, if that, but it looks fucking gay. True that if u carve and pump you can get speed. But seeing how we are park skiers, and have no edge usualy, its hard to turn without sliding a little, hence causing us to slow down. Now if you had brand new skis, or racing skis, or skis that didnt hit rails, you could carve into jumps and pump, its totaly true.
Posts: 160
Karma: 10
sitting on your skis can lead to very bad injury to your knee. You are over extending and putting too much pressure on your patella tendon, and hitting a bump, or your ski catching an edge will have dire consequences....like tearing your ACL. Not fun guys. If you want more speed, do a racer tuck, much safer!
Posts: 4120
Karma: 41
yeah sitting down leaves you with no control... looks funny though.
Posts: 4380
Karma: 772
sitting down gives you more speed with less control, racer tuck gives you less speed with more control, racers would sit on thier bindings if it was down immaculate medium grade slopes with no turns, but its intense gates runs.
Posts: 10014
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just hug your knees and keep your hands forward and you are fine. It won't be enough to blow your knee if you are in the right postition.
Posts: 18426
Karma: 4,894
you had some good points but you also had some spelling errors.
Posts: 2848
Karma: 839
if i get in a racer tuck all the wind just gets funneled into the bagginess of my clothes. the sit down lets you go faster if you wear big clothes for skiing.
Posts: 2269
Karma: 151
just do the candide tuck. i think that is way better. the whole leaned over forward with the hands behind and the poles stickin out the sides... best of both worlds, steezy as hell, and faster that the tail sitting thing.
Posts: 2598
Karma: 236
legs together and fairly straight, body bent over 90 degrees and arms behind poles sticking out behind looks fine and gives more control than sitting back. although saying that, i do both.
Posts: 2598
Karma: 236
in fact, what am i talking about. the gaper tuck is steezy as hell- racer tuck but with straight legs, snowplough skis ass up and poles straight in the air. love it.
Posts: 575
Karma: 10
The simplest thing is to get your arms out of the way, if you wear a baggy jacket you'll see it flapping like mad.
Posts: 1569
Karma: 13
yep the candide tuck rocks, also good if youre chinese downhilling & you might need to make a quick turn, it tales me atleast 1/2 a second to get out of a proper tuck, but if youre in a candide tuck you can get going almost instantly.
Posts: 806
Karma: 148
when did skiing become safe? dont be a pussy.. i sit on the middle of my skis to gain speed.
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
your arguement is 2 sided.........are you talking about speed or turning? i always sit when im dropin but i don't have to make turns so it don't matter
Posts: 364
Karma: 10
i used to have to tuck to look cool now i sit on the back of my skis!
Posts: 2132
Karma: 25
ya and you get the same or more speed because you have your weight further back and your have very little surfacearea for wind to hit.
the reason racers don do it is because you dont have really a whole lot of control.
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
same.. and also to add to this point, riding a flat ski is faster than a ski on edge. well when you sit on the back of your skis your skis are almost perfectly flat because if you have any edge into the snow your going to catch and fall
Posts: 8258
Karma: 214
ha all you guys that disagree are a bunch of joeys who know nothing about real skiing and probably suck. A racing tuck is the most efficient and is way better than sitting on your tails... so in conclusion all you nay sayers can suck my balls and go learn to ski.
Posts: 1858
Karma: 48
ya sitting that low lowers your center of gravity
Posts: 1229
Karma: 21
well the only thing is, is thtat when i do "sit donw" on my skis. its before a jump, i only do it for about 20 seconds or so and if i did do a racers tuck i would be totally thrown off. and i dont want that. i know how they say that if you fall you can wreck your knee and stuff, but im really comfrtable that way.
Posts: 20283
Karma: 5,931
i think i go faster on my tailsthen racer tuck...especially in shit conditions. but by no means is it a more efficient/controllable way to ski as compared to a racer tuck.
Posts: 7382
Karma: 148
when i ski pow thts rly heavy, like rly heavy, i always sit back a little and it helps so much
sitting all the way on ur tails looks gay and if u fall u can tear your acl mad easy or so my dad says
Posts: 2100
Karma: 23
I disagree to a point. I was watching something, online perhaps, where they were comparing "classic" racer form to Bode Millers form. They kept emphasizing how Bode sits back a little more in his turns, enabling him to keep more speed, and exit the turn quicker.
Posts: 281
Karma: 104
i always sit on my skis for speed
my story:i was searching for speed so like usual i sit on my skis but now i see my pole strap around my wrist and i wanted to unroled it so i put my pole in front of me and i wasnt paying attention and my pole poled in the snow and knock me out all my mouth was bleeding that suck but i still hit the jump :)
Posts: 1396
Karma: 788
racer tuck is tiring.
just sit back and relax.
Posts: 1371
Karma: 30
cariving in the sit-down tuck is so fun...u hall ass and just lay ur legs out to the side...such a fun run to do
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Except for when people do it into EVERYTHING like say a 5ft. box or a 15ft. jump to case. Don't steal other people's steeze.
Posts: 2041
Karma: 22
sitting back puts a lot of strain on your knees when you get back up. And leaning back really isn't as fast as leaning forward. Just lean forward and put your hands behind your back like Candide.
Posts: 15350
Karma: 311
i dont really sit on my tails unelss its like mad pow or slushy here in vermont. which it usually isnt, so i just kinda like lean forward with my hands kinda near my knees. its not like a racer tuck, but doesnt hurt my shins like a slunchback and also isnt stress full to come out of or go in to
Posts: 994
Karma: 105
Ya I say the tails, just cuz Im a huge kid and when im that tucked up i fly. Racer tuck i have huge amounts of wind resistance and it looks hella-gay.
Posts: 133
Karma: 98
sitting on your tails is really bad for your knees.
Posts: 8258
Karma: 214
ya but do you notice how often bode crashes??? weight on tails = not good
Posts: 849
Karma: 10
Posts: 3434
Karma: 2,724
it works for me...so imah keep doing it.... i have a reall baggy suit tho.. so i think racer tuck expose's that weakness... mayb ill convert to the candide tuck tho
Posts: 164
Karma: 10
i think it looks chill when u ride into a jump sittin then pop up and throw down, it adds style
Posts: 5952
Karma: 2,423
Wax your skis properly and turn less if you want to go faster. I'm proud to say I haven't tucked once this year.
Posts: 2077
Karma: 25
the reason al lthese kids feel its faster,
is because how many of them can do a proper tuck?
Posts: 5634
Karma: 311
I just sit down because I like the feeling of my Rossignol Dildo Bindings. :D
Posts: 5898
Karma: 44
who cares
its bout speed not lookin cool
Posts: 12055
Karma: 920
My kid has racing skills but excels in the park. He is little and needs to gain speed so he tucks alot, he sits back because that is what is cool.. He has been warned.. blow your freakin knee because of that stupid tuck and you can find someone else to pay the docs bills.
Posts: 996
Karma: 23
everyone saying leaning back is faster is fucking retarded. when you sit back like that you flex your ski back, ceating point on the ski right behind the binding with higher pressure on the snow than the rest of the ski. youll learn in physics that when sliding, you want all the weight spread on as much of a surface area as you can to accelerate, and the only way to acheive this is to keep forward and lean downhill. KEEP YOUR SKIS FLAT and your body perpendicular with the grade of the hill. thats one of the first things they teach you when your learning to ski too, i wonder why
Posts: 996
Karma: 23
you would be supprised how easy it is to blow you knee out buddy. my buddy did it in our first lax game in the first 5 minutes with a check then tripping over the guy he laid out. he pulled his MCL, exploded his ACL to the point where theres no remnants of it in his leg, and crushed half that ball on the bottom of his femur. dont make it sound like its kinda hard to blow out your knee, because really really easy, and besides that the sitting tuck doesnt work
Posts: 270
Karma: 10
just ask yourself this question... does it really matter? do what you want.
Posts: 2607
Karma: 123
PLus, the one hoo said flat bases will go faster than if your on edge is also quite wrong. The reason for racers carving like mad obviously is to get around the gate and prevent from skootling off the course, but the carve helps the racer maintain his speed aswell. Also, the carve acts as a slingshot as well. The way a racer carves is he will pre-load like mad and then pops like crazy and it pretty much explodes the racer further. Carving and tucking is way faster than any sit back.
Posts: 399
Karma: 16
Yea racer tucks look gay and add like 1 mile per hour so i vote sittin on the tails
Posts: 996
Karma: 23
flat bases will go faster than on edge...its the pressure thing again
Posts: 532
Karma: 10
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