hey guy, just a few pearls for you to mull over...things ive had success with
go with what feels right, make all the editing TIGHT, if a clip drops a frame or looks sortve shitty, reshoot it. Trust me, nothing ruins the flow of a sponsor video, or any video for that matter, then a bad shot. its really a flow killer
pick a good song and edit TO it, so the skiing flows to the editing
all these things are standard, im sure u know all this
DONT be afraid to do some non-ski footage, not ALOT, but give companies an idea of what type of person you are, when u get a sponsor, they dont just want u as a skier, they get you as a total package. Dont act like a dipshit in front of the camera, there will be plenty of time to make an ass out've yourself once your sponsorse (watch Blunt for some prime examples)
and this might sound strange, but pick a song that no ski movie has used, and something that has a little vintage quality to it. Think about this, the people that are gonna decide on your sponsorships arent 17 year old kids that watch MTV all day. Put some Floyd or Zepplin in there, hell even a few David Bowie or Zappa tunes are pretty sick for a movie. Throw in a song that people are gonna be like 'shit, i remember that song' (prime example, David Bowie-Black Country rock-from salad dayz, who ever thought that song would be there the first time u watched it, but it definately fits the feel of the segment)
AVOID going too long, any demo/promo takes, whether its for a sponsorship/band/ect should be NO LONGER then five minutes. If your as good as you say, you dont need any longer to get your point across
Hit the bumps, hit the steeps (if you have them, i have no idea where you out've) hell even some trees. Ever wonder why McConkey and Morrison are so respected? they can rip just as well outside of the park as they ever could in. Hel look at Plake, ive met him twice and he's one of the best skiers ive ever seen in my life. Run the bumps, just give people a feel that your just not some park rat that can throw a 1080, but would die in a bump run or shit his pants off a cliff
good luck with your attempt guy, hope everything works out for you