ok heres how i see it.
america controls the majority nuecleur arms in the world and they are against and do anything they can to stop other countries having smaller operations that would realisticly be less of threat than some trigger happy cowboy from texas controlling the ultimate fait of the world.
a recent example of this ould be iran. usualy when the american government asks a country to do somethng, the country usually answers with how high an can i suck your weener while i do it. but not iran they blatetly give america the
it is in my opinion that america is more of a threat to iran and middle eastrn countries and other countries than wat iran would be against america. why the fuck can america have this enormas amount of power and then hypocrytically tell another counrtries they cant have a smaller operation. just because america has a strong political and cultural influence on the world is no exuse for telling countries what they can and cant produce in the way of arms.
the war on terror is bullshit, sur there has been multiple ttacks on western civilisation which is sad to say that america has been predominantly targeted by the so called terrorist, and my deepest sympathy to the families of those who have been lost in these various attacks. but put ureself i the shoes of a islamic person in Iraq. how many innocent people have died as result of a war that was obviously an attempt to get better oil prices.
how would the american people react to an islamic superpower exerting as much influence as possible to change your way of living and the way u operate your country.
lets face it america is the epidomy of a modern militaristic imperialist society. i am like most completly against neucleur war and power, but if it has to exist why the fuck should one country control the power. its a scary balance that is bound for some fucked up results.
if this msg doesnt read like a dream please exuse my typing skills at 2 in the morning. but the general msg is there