A couple more thigs as well:
1. There are many derivations of words we use every day and we don't realize they exist. But they do, because we don't hear them doesn't mean they're not real. Futher educate yourself on the english language before preaching your fallacious beliefs.
2. I would wager that more then half of the people in this forum have not actually made a conclusive view of their own on President Bush. I would guarantee that most of you have based your views off of a liberal college professor, parent, teacher, or a television news station. This is ridiculous. Put some effort into your opinions and make them sound, rather then just flippantly throwing out your poorly formulated ideas. President Bush has made mistakes in his Presidency, I'm not going to tell you he hasn't. Instead of creating more problems though, maybe you should consider supporting America as a whole, and if you don't want that then maybe you shouldn't be here. You have the right to fight for what you believe in, but make sure you understand your views and how they effect others and not just you. I'm not going to lie and say I don't agree with most of President Bush's presidency, because I do; and most of the time I'm proud to call him my President because he knows what he wants and he knows his place and he is a man. He is not John Kerry, he is not a willowing piece of flesh that has no strength. I respect that more then anything else in a person. Most of the hippies in this forum and here at UVM think they are doing the school and government justice by voicing their opinions and fighting the establishment because they could do better. They think their educated on the politics and the government, but im most cases their education has farther skewed their already biased views. People really need to sit down and look at the facts and how the facts are affecting peoples lives, and how they're not. Pick your battles, and fighting the President for these things is not the correct battle to fight. Tell me liberals, hippies, etc....would you rather have Dick Cheney in office, because if you got your way and removed Bush (who was voted into office by more then half the population mind you) then you would have Cheney who is next in succession. I have no desire to look up the Speaker of the House or the Pres Pro temp of the Senate ( i believe its Hastert and Stevens but I dont know) but I believe they too are rather more conservative then Bush. So the base of this is, way your options and look at your possibilities and realize this is not a fight or battle you should undertake. So instead support your country, support your President, and Support your People. If not, please just leave this country and go someplace where you can prance around in circles with a hackysack all day. Triple fuck anti-americans for---especially for criticizing our government, which is the most successful in history, most copied, and many other things, regardless of the young age.