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What do u need to become sponserd
Posts: 736
Karma: 471
its my first year skking and every one at my mountain says im a true natural i can do cork 3 with grabs cork 5 with grab slow 3's switch 540 switch 3 270 on rail and off and switch on and i also have some style but i think i can do alot better does any one think il be going any where as far as sponsers and stuuf and if not what should i learn
Posts: 1743
Karma: 35
kelly i've never seen you do a switch 5, or even a 5 with a grab, and i've never seen you do any sort of corks.
Posts: 4595
Karma: 506
Posts: 1743
Karma: 35
yeah this kid makes up shit, and thats not cool.^ and he also talks may to much, and ask way to many questions^^
Posts: 4595
Karma: 506
Hummm, I think you don't like him!
Posts: 1743
Karma: 35
not really. he was cool at first but then just just got annoying and he would say rude shit to my group and shit. just wasn;t cool.
Posts: 644
Karma: 10
to many ski companies are signing the first kid to come to them with a switch 1080,you need more than tricks get some good style and then go ask for a deal
Posts: 5968
Karma: -7
nooooo, you don't have an agenda here...
Posts: 5127
Karma: 24
have a search bar its yummy and chocolatey
Posts: 323
Karma: 11
When you're good enough, companies will come to you. Make a vid, send it to all the small companies like ninthward. Convince them that giving you free stuff will help them sell skis.
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
first you should stop saying how much youve been progressing in one year, nobody will like you, but at this rate you should be able to get sponsored by next season or maybe even now since youre so young
Posts: 2408
Karma: 93
I love how people all mention 9thward like it's easy to get sponsored by them. It's not like Armada-hard but to be on any kind of major ski company flow, and I would consider 9thward to be major, you still gotta throw down some maaaad steeze. Look at the guys that ride for 9thward.
You probably need AT VERY LEAST 7's all 4 ways with style, 270's all 6 ways with style, the capability for some bigger spins, and definitely either some 450's in your bag or some sick inverts or rotation patterns(ie, rodeo, cork, flatspin, bio, etc).
And don't think you can skimp on shit because you stereotype yourself as a specialty skier, like just a rail skier or just a jump skier. Even Travis Heed throws dirty sevens with style, and he is the best example of a specialty skier I can think of right now.
Go back to the drawing board man.
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
for you probably 9's, cork 3's and 5's, switch 5 or 7, and
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
and switch cork 3's and 5's i think
Posts: 1434
Karma: 18
comp wins is probaly one of the most important things. you have to show the company how you can help them out. style style style. people dont want to see the same old thing all teh time. get creative
Posts: 3489
Karma: 18
Posts: 2047
Karma: 367
that and you need to have a mean dumpshoot in your bag too
Posts: 1590
Karma: 80
Thats not true. Most people go to the companies, not the other way around.
Posts: 7768
Karma: 481
unless you're like 11 that's not good enough but keep at it. Work up to some bigger spins and if possible bigger jumps. Try hard grabs. Just mostly push yourself but still make sure you're comfortable
Posts: 736
Karma: 471
are u seriuos i can 7 with a grab the last 2 weeks of skiing when the snow was soft i was pulling all sorts of stuff of the big booter ..and how am i sapost to learn if i dont ask questions like its my first year ever give me a brake and how did i talk rude to your gruop and wat gruop.
Posts: 1743
Karma: 35
yo when did you do a cork 5 and where.
Posts: 5898
Karma: 44
Posts: 4869
Karma: 20
dude what are you talking about, thats the prototype for next years Burton suit that shit is expansive like 900 bucks, if you're wearin that you are sure to be spancered.
Posts: 6853
Karma: 816
well I know a guy who doesnt even give a fuck about tricks, I mean you have to be able to do a good amount but he cares about steeze. If you can be steezy on rails and do some good steezy spins your set.
I am 14 hate poles can do all tricks up to 7's and 7's too. but my thing is slow spins spinning slow and aaah fuck it Ill ski every thing but I hate big spins. Ill do switch spins also. I looove rails. I am going to give spadancwershizap (sponsership) a try so Ill tell you what happens.
Posts: 2408
Karma: 93
Wait what? you know a guy that does what? Sponsors people? Is sponsored?
Steezy is one thing but you have to be able to do technical shit too. I can't think of anyone that is sponsored by a major ski company that is not technically adept.
Posts: 16909
Karma: 4,681
if you have a hot sister tell the team maneger that you will hook him up with her if he puts you on the team.
Posts: 20239
Karma: 1,273
Actually what you need are penis fingers and the ability to spell Eric Haljorflson.
Posts: 303
Karma: 45
switch 14's both ways and a mean ironcross to cossack
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
elmo says, "buuulllllshiiiiiiitttttttt"
Posts: 6853
Karma: 816
no effense man I mean it sounds like your good but if you have been skiing for 1 year and your this good at park means that you probably suck at all mountain which the industry doesnt need.
also you probably havnt built up a passion for the sport like people that have been skiing for basically there whole lives.
third off if your getting sponsered just to get sponsered and to brag thats no reason.
and you have to build up to big sponsors like that one guy said I wouldnt go for a ski company just yet.
Posts: 2408
Karma: 93
Haha, he can't even spell "sponsored".
Posts: 11149
Karma: 1,416
Posts: 10166
Karma: 55
hahahahah! ... yet i disagree.
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