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Anyone have a parent who is psycho about grades
Posts: 599
Karma: 10
my mom keeps telling me to bring my grade up from an A- to an A in a college level chemistry class. She also doesnt care about good grades i get and only focuses on the bad ones
Posts: 5069
Karma: 1,017
my parents were always cool about it if I tried, in grade 8-10 I had a 60% average and they knew I wanted to do well but just couldnt figure the shit out. Then in grade 11 it started making sense and I got my average to 90%.
As for university well my average is not as good as highschool, and my parents seem to understand it will just take time for me to adjust to the new syestem.
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
It's got nothing to do with adjusting to the new system; unless you work your ass off like school is a full time job (talking 3 hours a night extra work, some 12 hour days of writing, etc etc etc, no life) you will drop about 20% between grade 12 and university. It's just a product of the average person at U being a lot smarter than the average person in high school... obviously marks standard is going to change.
Anyway, my parents never cared much either way, I always did well, and they take it as read that that will always be the case, so it's never an issue either way.
Posts: 3520
Karma: 13
below 80% was unacceptable back then.
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well I guess its not so much adjusting but getting my act togther. In highschool I did maybe at most 6 hours of homework a week, and it wasnt always very productive. Where as now Im learning to manage my time much better and doing much more homework. And I hate to say it allot my higher grades were due to kissing ass, and understanding how the teachers mark.
It might not be that way for you, but for me adjusting to university certainly took some time. My grades are much higher this semester then last, its partly due to the fact I enjoy the classes more but I have been more on the ball because I know how things roll now.
I dont expect that my grades in univerity will ever be as good as they were in highschool, but I certainly hope that they will get better then they are now.
Posts: 7596
Karma: 19
being one of "the smart kids" then getting to university is a shock i found. In highschool you'd just get good marks because thats how it was and had always been. Teachers know you as an A student and give you marks accordingly. The material was easy and you barely had to study. Then university hits and studying for a couple of days before the exam is not enough (for science anyways) and you have to start studying weeks before exam time. yeah
Posts: 4005
Karma: 38
no honor roll no money for any reason for a long time, my rents are anal about grades
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
My secret to getting As in uni:
read scholarly journal articles about whatever you're studying. A bunch. Skim unimportant parts if you want, but take a couple notes. When you bust that out on an exam and link it to course themes, you're gold. This actually works better than doing all the reading, which can be (in the case of one of my courses this term, for example) beyond the realm of human possibility.
Posts: 1330
Karma: 11
no you dont buddy, pretty sure thats gonna bite you in the ass unless you step it up.
Posts: 7596
Karma: 19
J.D. May- have any tips for students who aern't 15-hours-of-class-a-week arts students?
Posts: 2020
Karma: 13
I don't really get yelled at, unless it says something about homeowrk bringing down my grade
Posts: 3483
Karma: 29
my parents dont even know whether or not i go to school they are too busy worrying about my brother
Posts: 861
Karma: 10
same here... well i have to keep an 85 so they don't take away my acceptance..
i see you ski at dagmar, do i know you?
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
Yes, thank Christ almighty in heaven that you don't have to spend your weekends and evenings writing a dozen 15 page research papers every term.
Posts: 2960
Karma: 15
wtf seriously whats up with some fuckin busllshit about grades. who the fuck cares about grades? anyone? anytone? bueler???? no, no one gives a fuck about grades ecept for goddamn parents. fuck that shit do what you want in life dont suck dick just for fucking good grades thats fucking bullshit that is all guys and dont fuckin listen to your parents just do some rebel shit maybe theyll get off your assa dn finally recognize that your a motherfucking MAN at least i hope you are i mean you sure dont sound like one if you let your parents FUCKING WALK ALL OVER YOU!!!!! i mean jesus christ that shit pisses me off i cant beleive your mom would be so stupid to care about aminus in a A- like WTF????? no one fucking CARES YOU STUPID WANNABE DESPERATE HOUSEWIFE WHORE. tell that to her next time to those exact words you got me fired up for all this shit so you better go apeshit
Posts: 2960
Karma: 15
Posts: 5069
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Posts: 4729
Karma: 130
that is what i have been saying for years, our school needs a good riot
Posts: 7596
Karma: 19
yeah, we only have to write up 30 page labs
Posts: 1606
Karma: 193
u asians are fucking gay how ur betta than us at english its cause u learnt outta a fucking book u fucking cunt, go back to fucking asian with the rest of your 3 inch bros
Posts: 7596
Karma: 19
man, that just made my day! but only because I didnt think it was possible to own yourself until you came along
Posts: 6440
Karma: 41
our grading system used to have weights, and both of my brothers are super smart, but older than me. So their gpa's were ALWAYS about 100%. And then they took out weights after my brothers went to college. So my grades always look sooo much worse compared to the boys. Not to mention i'm the idiot in the family anyway. Which is so lame because i'm seriously like top 1/3 of my class. Its just real beat because my paretns compare me to my brothers. They dont FLIP out at me or anything.. they just 'are disappointed because they know i can do better' Lame.
Posts: 1569
Karma: 13
dude year 12 is titally different in aust compared to the us.
everybody asys 1st year uni is absolute batshit compared to yr 12, like as easy as yr 11 or even yr 10 if youre doing an unemployment degree (arts) [hi purdy]
Posts: 2310
Karma: 169
i get As and they acept a B or two
Posts: 9453
Karma: 2,587
i had an 18 in chemistry honors, about 4 weeks into the third quarter. I pulled it off though
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