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Anyone have a parent who is psycho about grades
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Karma: 10
my mom keeps telling me to bring my grade up from an A- to an A in a college level chemistry class. She also doesnt care about good grades i get and only focuses on the bad ones
Posts: 57
Karma: 10
my parents are so like that! they flip out when i get low marks and say i should bring em up and even when i try they still say thats not good enough!
Posts: 1608
Karma: 13
na my rents usually only care bout the effort i put in.
Posts: 2833
Karma: 46
today, I got my report card that was complete with a 26% in french, 47% in french 2, 50% in math and an average of 68%. My rents told me to try harder next time and we celebrated with a steak dinner. I win.
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
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Posts: 57
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im pretty sure we know how to say the word asian guy! we aint dumb here! my mom told me to try harder when i got a final of 56% in history.. just cause i hated the teacher and i thought it was the worst subject in the entire world
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
wow.... thats not really that crazy...
i remember in 1st or 2nd grade i brought home a 95 on my spelling test because i have real bad handwriting. i was still satisfied with my excellent grade. i showed it to my mother and she said, "what the fuck happened to the other 5 points?"
Posts: 1001
Karma: 10
i think any parent would be concerned about a 56%.
Posts: 57
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are you kidding me?!!? you get a 95 and your mom still flips!? thats gay! my mom aint that crazy on grades.. i just gota make sure i get 85 or higher average so i can get into macmaster
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my parents have given up, i think a b+ average is fine
Posts: 57
Karma: 10
my parents havent .. not yet at least
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
well actually, now my parents kind of gave up because my brother gets all these bad grades and theyre more used to seeing c's and d's
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
but i just get a's and b's now
Posts: 599
Karma: 10
why would they be concerned about an A-
Posts: 57
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a- is a stupid mark to wry bout .. start worrying when you start getting less than 50 or w.e! but a- thats gay
Posts: 3480
Karma: 6
thats not something to be proud of you dumb fuck
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Karma: 10
obviously its nothing to be proud of! who the hell in their right mind would be proud of a 26 in something! even i aint proud when i get like 60s or w.ev but 26 is crazy low
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
i said a-z-n because theres always one person that says "haha AZN!" after i mention that im asian
Posts: 57
Karma: 10
ahh makes sense.. that guy seems gay saying "haha AZN!" thats just gay honestly
Posts: 2178
Karma: 168
what you should have done was do horrible in hs, so that your parents lower theyre expectations. my parents are stoked on anything over 65 now.
Posts: 12874
Karma: 3,460
today my math teacher phoned my house telling my parents that i got a 8% on a unit test, i have a 41 in the class.
so i get bitched at in class by the teacher
laughed at by my freinds
and then shit on by my parents.
and now i am only aloud to spend my long weekend at work, and studying.
but in other classes im doin pretty good
Posts: 9632
Karma: 580
i usually dont get below a 0 so they dont do shit but i n5th grade i ddint feel like doing a dbq so i failed ss for one quarter. my mom was pissed that i got an 82 im somehtign and totally flipeed shit abotu the 65
Posts: 57
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thats not as bad of mark as my one friend.. shes got 26% right now in math
Posts: 21048
Karma: 5,062
yeah my parents used to get pissed off when they'd see me less than 80 in a subject, but it didn't matter anyways because everything i applied for in university, i got accepted to. i guess they just don't want to see you have your options limited because you slacked off. makes sense.. but sometimes parents tend to go overboard, like mine used to.
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
Wow, some of you guys really care a lot about your futures.
Posts: 4979
Karma: 10,708
parents flip if im not on honor roll.
Posts: 57
Karma: 10
i semi-care about my future i just wana make sure i do what i want to do and not go to some crap university or college just cause i slacked off in high school.. and since what i wana be needs a 85 or higher average i gota have high grades
Posts: 9661
Karma: 276
my parents say that, but when i get a bad grade, they say im not putting in enough effort
Posts: 12874
Karma: 3,460
oh, and i forgot to add, that i am living in the shadow of my brother, who gets high 90's in all the toughest courses, got excepted into every university he applied to, and owns his own business. they dont say it but i am a disapointment to my parents.
Posts: 57
Karma: 10
i find it gay how can parents can say that you arent putting enough effort into it.. but how the hell would they know they didnt have to learn most of this crap when they were our age i think parents should so totaly lay off
Posts: 381
Karma: 14
my sis was 6th in her class and im 20th out of 400 kids and my parents say to be more like my sis
Posts: 4935
Karma: 173
c's are unaccepteble for my parents
Posts: 599
Karma: 10
c's or b-'s are unheard of in my family
Posts: 899
Karma: 13
my dad's nuts. I have a 3.6 in a difficult engineering program and everytime he sees my GPA he shakes his head and says "you know you need to bring that up, its shit." And highschool was even worse. If i even got a B he took away my car. Good thing i never did.
Posts: 443
Karma: 10
ya my rents flip out if i get below a b and theyre angry if i dont get a's but im also in internet school and its super easy to cheat
Posts: 1569
Karma: 13
same. mine flipped cos i didnt get high effort marks (yes they mark you for effort at my od school) even though they mean sfa.
i ended up getting 95% as my final grade and still that wasnt good enough "because i could have done better" fuck doing better, the only courses that need higher than 95 are like law and petroleum engineering or some shit
Posts: 3482
Karma: 9
yeah my mom tends to freak out sometimes, but ive been through alot this year with both knee surgeries so she's cutting me slack, and since i doubled up on sciences this year
Posts: 7479
Karma: 15
well if they are paying and ur being shitty, ur wasting money. so pay for your own college and say fuck off its my life.
Posts: 57
Karma: 10
Posts: 3323
Karma: 82
my mom doesnt flip out or anything but she expects me to get a's b's and ocasionaly a bad grade like c or d
Posts: 3735
Karma: 15
Thats some shit. My parents were never too crazy. THey always told us "What we do is our job, school is your job"
Posts: 7596
Karma: 19
I came out of highschool with an A average and my parents were dissappointed. In university now with a C+ average and I guess they have a right to be dissappointed now. But an A, common.
Posts: 13159
Karma: 19,512
Yeah, my dad passed remarks like "your gonna fail french and you will never be a man" all the time just because I got 56 in french. For the first time I exploded on him!
Posts: 1596
Karma: 86
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as long as you pass i dont see the big deal. being a ski bum is better then any job i could ever think of.
Posts: 7596
Karma: 19
you must be young and stupid. Over new years I talked to a career skibum and he said its great for the first couple years unti lyou want to get amrried and have kids. You cannot support a family off a ski patrol or instructor's wages. He is now 45 and is just able to make enough money to contribute to the family income. Lucky he married a doctor. The best thing to do if you want to be a skibum is to take a year off between highschool and college and go out west and live at a mountain for the year. Then the next year go back college, get a degree or diploma, and get a job you can support yourselff off of.
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Karma: 350
Posts: 316
Karma: 10
thre's this guy at my school that got 8% in civics
Posts: 329
Karma: 15
My situation in a nutshell. My parents freaked out about anything below 90s in Jr and High School, and now that I'm in University, paying my own way, every time they tell me to bring up my grades, I tell them to pay for it so I don't have to work during school.
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