Replying to Loss of Heros
To tell the truth I as many have seen this website for its true colors over the past months I have complained but as of right now I see what this website has become. Over the past few weeks the freeskiing community has lost one of its own, another is down with a serious injury, a competor at the jackson hole comp still lies in a coma and another competor at a different event lost his leg, and even thought these two later might not be of as much importance as the first two they are still are brethen our friends and our family. I have been using this website less and less knowing that this site is more about fashion and the newest trends in the sking industry but people are people and there sould be a thread towards there families and in some cases there well being. (R.I.P Coombs) These guys, Coombs being in the forefront of this, are people that stayed with skiing and gave it the life that is fueling it today. C.R., while well deserved, got a thread with signatures for his well being but as soon as some one who skis a different way than you goes down a thread pops up but soon dissapears under the jibberish of people ranting and raving. I see no reason for this. Who ever the moderator of this website is to you I say Fuck you. People desvere more respect than your giving them. We are all skiers and yet still for some reason if a big mountian skier goes down no one gives a fuck. Harvey I know that you have a hard on for park rats and don't really care about the other side of skiing but skiers went down. SKIERS for Fucks Sake. To Newschoolers I have this to say, Heros will live on forever but it is the people who stick with it from its worst to it best that deserve repect and for some reason No one is giving it up for them.
Charlie- Get well soon buddy
EJ- I know that I will see you on the hill soon and that day will be one that I will never forget
Marc- I may not have ever meet you but Hope all goes well and you can get back in the greatest land that the higher powers have given us
And to the Coombs Family- My deepest condolences, I know that death is one of the hardest things to get thought but he would have wanted for all of you to remember and strap up and get back on the hill and charge it.
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