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Canadians Moving to the USA for University/College
Posts: 9458
Karma: 105
I was just wondering how you guys afford it...everywhere I have looked at in the states it would be almost triple the cost for tuition that it would cost at a canadian university or college.
Posts: 1013
Karma: 423
I just plain out don’t understand it who wants to move to the states when you have to pay more for everything not just tuition my weed habit would make me bankrupt if I lived in the states.
Posts: 2750
Karma: 14
Why move to the states, period?
Posts: 59
Karma: 10
Simple. Better economy, larger conservative movement, superior military, and we're the world's only remaining true superpower. Factor those reasons in with our lower ratio of French people and hippies, and your question is answered.
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
uhh i live in the states and let me tell you its nothing too special... stay in canada and drink earlier
Posts: 13156
Karma: 19,497
Those are the worst reasons ever.
The reason why some Canadians move away for a semester of 2 is because they want to discover something new; that is why my sister had an exchange program there.
Posts: 59
Karma: 10
And to answer the original question, your best option would be to declare citizenship in the state where you want to attent college (if thats possible, I don't know much about changing citizenship other than that most places require you live there for a year first)just long enough to get your education. After you're schooling is done, you can re-declare your Canadian citizenship if you so please.
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
well delcaring citzenship to a state isnt cheap even if you already live in the US. cause you have to have a perment residence in that state for a certain amount of time
Posts: 2750
Karma: 14
youre a bitch that can't see the whole, bitch. haha, those are just superficial aspects of the "American Way." And we are the home of hippies, and french people are the shit. Why not mention that we have the largest corrupt government in the modern world, total lack of concern for the environment or laws not based on majority opinion, which entails that the government is its own body, seperate from and superior to the people's will? I just think life is deeper than a falsely inflated economy, conservatives not conserving but taking, and a military which, what? can't even secure 2 countries 1/100th the size of our country, but seems to cost the individual 100000x more than saving hurricane-destroyed landmark cities of our own in a given year? Every culture is doomed to fall when they indulge in humanity's faults, i just think the US is on its way down. An American education is definetely not any better than a Canadian, unless you're thinkin bout a really good school in the US vs. an alright one in Canada.
Coffee really gets me goin in the morning....
Posts: 3520
Karma: 13
the american way aint what is used to be.
Posts: 866
Karma: 10
all we have to do is to go to a canadian university for a year or so, then we enter in an exchange program, so it doesnt cost anything more than to study in canada and we can go wherever we want...
Posts: 59
Karma: 10
Your entire argument is based entirely upon your personal opinion. Every single point you made in your counter argument can be debated. Don't expect people to take you seriously if you respond to know facts with your biased opinion. And where do you come up with these rantings about us not securing Iraq and Afganistan? That is about as far from the truth as you can get.
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
We'll put a boot in your ass, it's the American Way. haha
Posts: 690
Karma: 12
Its expensive but not as expensive as you make it sound IF your attending a school in state and you are a resident of that state. And, there is always the hope of a little financial aid from the goverment!! or loans (thats the american way).
Posts: 173
Karma: 10
id stay if i were you, i dont really like it here
Posts: 2171
Karma: 17
If I lived in Canada I would stay there unless I could do like a semester at an American University. I'm pretty much forced to stay in state since tuition would be too much if I went outside of PA, nonetheless Pitt is a great school so I'm really happy to be here.
Posts: 18901
Karma: 75
dude if you were from canada and took classes in the US you wouldn't get the instate tuition.
Posts: 599
Karma: 10
it is cheaper in Canada b/c u guys pay alot higher taxes. I bet that if a USA student went to Canada for college it would pretty expensive.
Posts: 5069
Karma: 1,017
Why go to the states for an education there's really no difference, the only reason to is if you're are really serious about sport and can get a scholarship.
A guy from the States that lives on my floor said that it is cheaper for an American to attend school in Canada then it is for them to attend the states, he might be wrong though.
Posts: 12485
Karma: 17
how is a larger conservative movement better? Conservatives are good at two things, telling you when you can be born and telling you when you can die. As for anything in between, i'll ask a liberal.
Posts: 5069
Karma: 1,017
Those are reasons not to go to the states. Your description of reasons makes everyone in the states sound like a bunch of concervative old men.
Posts: 2061
Karma: 27
why would anyone wnat to go to the states even? I mean its like going to ontario....but liek 5 times worse. Lots of fat people and garbage...its fucking gross.
Posts: 1431
Karma: 12
im prolly moving to canada when im done with college. BC sounds like paradise.
Posts: 195
Karma: 10
u.s. colleges would seem more expensive because our currency is stronger too
Posts: 5069
Karma: 1,017
shouldnt it be the exact opposite?
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
They go because the American education system is the best in the world. I am not full of hubris or anything, it is just something that America does do well.
The other thing we do well is making money. No we are not perfect about the envionrmnet, no we are not going to give everyone a check and a meal becasue they happen to live within our borders.
Im just really getting sick of the negativity toward eachother. Canada is a great place full of natural beauty, clean fun cities, and nice people. America is a place where you are free to do and be just about anything (granted that comes with some negative consequences).
All of you mudslingers should just shut the fuck up about who's country is better, you all sound like assholes having a 'who's dick is bigger' competition. Canadians, chill the fuck out, America is not perfect but Canada is no nirvana either. Americans quit being so god damn full of yourselves, we have some problems too.
So all im saying is if i see another anti-American thread, or its less likley counter part, im going to hit the fucking ceiling. Assholes.
Posts: 18901
Karma: 75
UBC for an international student is about 29 grand american per year. Its about half of that if you're an in state student in the US. If you're out of state its pretty much the same.
Posts: 1802
Karma: 29
It is really too bad you think that way. Are you one of those people who joins in with the chant "USA, USA, USA", cause from what you just posted it would seem like that. The superior army has nothing to do with having a better country overall...but that macho attitude that you possess about being the true superpower sure does not turn people off.....Ahh the good ole American way.
Posts: 71
Karma: 10
Posts: 2750
Karma: 14
1. Personal Opinion: It's one thing I'm entitled to here in the US of A, and is why i put in phrases like "I think" in my response.
2. Iraq/Afghanistan: What is the public told the point of these 2 countries being invaded? To free them, at least thats what the White House tells me as a television watcher. Are they secured? In my legally acceptable opinion, no.
You can debate whether a color is purple or violet, I don't care, debate all you want, that's my educated opinion from the non-skewed facts I've been able to see. Show me different if you want to make me a believer in your hopes, but not some bullshit that the President hands out in mass printed propaganda papers.
And I would gladly move the fuck out of America, but I can't thanks to some pretty fucked up personal opinions that became laws.
Posts: 2214
Karma: 259
Shut the fuck up...I live in the US and envy Canada.
Posts: 2214
Karma: 259
I would just like to say, I think you are wise. Every point you have made is inspiring.
Posts: 12485
Karma: 17
i have an easy way to solve this...at least neither of the countries are mexico.
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