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I kicked myself in the balls today...
Posts: 2749
Karma: 1,137
i was on my tramp today with a friend of mine and were having a good time. the weather was great the tramp (which is a rectangular pro tramp) was bouncy as usual but the pads are missing off the sides. So in the air you get to look down at the metal bars and springs of death. Well i was tried a cork 9 which i usually can do but i got scared as i drifted a little to the left getting close to the springs. I accidentally slowed my rotation and landed kind of tucked up. Now on a pro tramp its REALLY bouncy and my right foot took most of the impact and as my left leg didnt take the impact it stood there balanced.. Well the right foot bounced up and kicked me in the balls with Ludacrous force. I fell to the ground and screamed for a good 10 minutes.. I also laughed becuase i couldn't get my mind to comprehend that i cuased this sensation in my testicals. it was almost the worst feeling ive ever had. moral of the story : Do not kick yourself in the balls.. it hurts
Posts: 4396
Karma: 2,967
ahhahahahaha! aw, daner. how comical that would be to watch.
Posts: 5606
Karma: 195
Man, I would seriously pay money to see a vid of that. I have an idea for you. Go get a camera and try to renact that.
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
ahahahahahaha, that sir, takes a tremendous amount of talent, and an enormous lack of luck.
Posts: 61855
Karma: 125,663
How something like that happens, blows my mind. Like my friend above said, i would also pay a small amount of bank to see that. And then, after the money made from people paying to see it, send it to AFI. They will give you 100K.
Posts: 1639
Karma: 43
I assume you mean AFV. Only if you make it to the winners show at the end of the season. The regular shows are only 10k.
Posts: 566
Karma: 10
wow, i'm impressed, i didn't think it was possible to kick yourself in the balls.....ouch
Posts: 10166
Karma: 55
haha well done my friend well done.
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
Posts: 899
Karma: 13
my roomate just kicked a soccer ball directly into my balls. I was on the ground for like 5 minutes and then had to sit in a chair trying not to throw up for another few minutes. Worst pain ever.
Posts: 2749
Karma: 1,137
yea haha it was one of those feelings that your going to throw up + the feeling of knowing you did it to yourself lol
Posts: 6943
Karma: 14
Posts: 1135
Karma: 10
getting hit in the balls is the worst
Posts: 0
Karma: 13
Posts: 3735
Karma: 15
Damn check your shit out and make sure it still works fine.
Posts: 2616
Karma: 9
thank god i have no balls
Posts: 4746
Karma: 18
Posts: 3545
Karma: 1,222
hahah^ i guess your kind of lucky?
Posts: 6598
Karma: 18
wow, the fact that you were able to can your self blows my mind
Posts: 5736
Karma: 4,890
BAHAHAHAHA....i believe thats ownage.....i feel sorry for ur balls though
Posts: 7479
Karma: 15
i can lick my balls, i think thats a greater achievement then kicking them, cuz thats just easy
Posts: 2567
Karma: 1,347
Posts: 3482
Karma: 9
hahaha that gave me a good laugh.. way to go!
Posts: 3455
Karma: 10
haha, ouch. Like what's the chances of that happening?
Posts: 21
Karma: 5
DUDE ive done that but i have a funny storie about me killing my face lol random but it has to do with hurting myself.. okay i was like 11 and i was skateboarding and i was trying to do pop shove its wich i usualy could do but for sum reason i couldnt and i was squated down wicked low and i did it and hit myself in the face with the board and i was a little kid so i cryed lol
Posts: 643
Karma: 52
Posts: 2749
Karma: 1,137
my testicals agree appreciatively
Posts: 989
Karma: 11
lol i just laughed so hard
Posts: 386
Karma: 69
yes, try to do it again and get some footage. pretty please with sugar on top.
Posts: 6943
Karma: 14
If this was me telling this story, my responce would be "If it still works, you'll have a new baby brotehr in 9 months!"
but it's not
Posts: 817
Karma: 15
Haha must be prity hard to kick yourself in the balls, but good work!!!!
Posts: 2300
Karma: 48
i feel the need to award you with something. that is quite the feat.
Posts: 7803
Karma: 466
kicking yourself in the balls eh? that takes some skill
Posts: 10281
Karma: 36
golden wheelchair award anyone?
Posts: 1069
Karma: 178
thanks for sharing man, laughed for a good couple minutes
Posts: 8192
Karma: 10
even though i'm sure you wouldn't want to, you should really do it again and tape it
Posts: 1653
Karma: 45
i got hit in the balls today while playing basketball. little bitch hit me in the nuts while i was mid air shooting. it was shitty but i got him back.
Posts: 3735
Karma: 15
lol you would have gotten me good you fuckeR!!!
Posts: 2749
Karma: 1,137
i ALMOST did it again today.. i clipped them
Posts: 386
Karma: 69
^^^i hope you were filming it b/c alot of us want a good laugh. don't do it again unless there is a camera involved.
Posts: 2749
Karma: 1,137
il set up my camera and tripod tonight while i sesh and if it happenes il have it
Posts: 386
Karma: 69
haha - this is getting way funny. just the thought of doing something and filming it, knowing there is a chance your nuts are gonna get it. that is truely taking one for the team. if it works out and you kick your nuts again, we will all be truely grateful. i am laughing b/c this senario is so funny. good luck tonight. and no cups, that wouldn't be a true reinactment.
Posts: 957
Karma: 11
Posts: 2749
Karma: 1,137
my heel was hurting tonight for some random reason.. i didnt have a tramp sesh it was gay
Posts: 7845
Karma: 93
Posts: 10035
Karma: 8,128
wow, and i thaught i had talent when i would always sit on my balls... like anyone ever done that, you go to sit down and relax and everythign seems to be going as planned and then bam a sharp pain shoots throughyour testicals, and you cant help but scream and laugh becasue well lests jsut face it you just sat on your own testicals... those things are like the dreded hanging pain of fury some times.
Posts: 2720
Karma: 49
Posts: 2452
Karma: 14
Posts: 1069
Karma: 178
ever do that on a chairlift? totally suckss
Posts: 640
Karma: 17
hahahahaha that is funny shit
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