Now, there are 15 states on the “East Coast” that have some sort of skiing. Be your hill 100 vertical feet or 3000, many people on the East Coast have access to skiing within their state. This simple fact, however, is quite misleading. While Alabama DOES have a ski hill, it has 2 trails and 150 vertical feet. Being in Alabama, if any of you ski there, I am sure your winter sucked, and the same with SOMEBODY everywhere. Southern Vermont had a rough season too, for instance, however northern Vermont got snow like it is nobody’s business. It's all about location people, so stop generalizing and being stupid because YOUR winter sucked.
East Coasters! Before you give a bad name to all of us who ski on the EC, think about this before you go and make a comment such as ‘the East Coast had such a shitty winter”.
1) Not including the storm right now, JAY PEAK HAS RECEIVED 375 INCHES OF SNOW THIS SEASON. 18+ INCHES ARE FORECASTED BY TOMORROW NIGHT. I, like many of you, will not be able to make it up this weekend, however, I realize what is going on, and don’t go talking about how the East Coast sucks so much. I don’t go and sling around shit about the East Coast and how badly it sucks; because it doesn’t.
In the words of DepeirreAR5 “Don’t make me bust out the Jay Peak Pics”. I’ll hit you with 3 anyways.

2) Places other than Jay have been getting sick snow too this year. I can’t speak for Maine?, but Stowe had a pretty killer season as well. With this snow, they’ll be over 300” this year too. This was from 2.5? weeks ago:

3) A lot of people also complain about how the East Coast has no big terrain, and rationalize their park-ratness with that excuse. WRONG. Jay Peak, Stowe, MRG, Camel’s Hump, Whiteface, many of the trails in the Adirondacks, Tuckerman’s, Tramline at Cannon, and Mt. Greylock, MA (and I cant speak for Maine) have PLENTY of back country and extreme terrain; so much so that people have a tendency to die. Since 2000, 9 people have died between Vermont, New York, and New Hampshire in avalanches. There are big cliffs that require big balls, too. While 200 footers are not realistically possible, Stowe and Jay (and their surrounding areas) have some massive cliffs (quite a few over 60 feet, and a couple featured in mags) that many people go out and stomp the shit out of. Tuckerman’s headwall takes some serious balls to launch off of, especially when there are huge crevasses you fall into if you come up short in the spring. If you as East Coasters really want it, it is there.
4) There’s another country East Coasters tend to forget about. Canada. Eastern Canada (or so I’ve heard, I’ve never been there) has some awesome skiing and riding potentials. If you don’t believe me, go pick up a Meathead movie, and stop talking shit.