As some of you may or may not know, Teddy knappe, of Theory 3 media had an untimley passing this past season.
I didn't know him personally, but I will say that the things i did hear about him were all that he was a great person to say the very least-
A momorial was created in his honor, Under the bridge to merlins, IT was a very well done peice, by people that loved him,
It was an him walking into the distance in a hoodie, with angel wings carrying him home, With a halo, Not an oakley logo over his head with the intials T.K 1984-2006
Tags are tags, but something of this magnatude should never be overlooked,
I was walking to the chateau whistler today to meet a friend at work, When I was shocked by what i Saw, nothing
I started to cry
a grey wall
Who makes a discision like this?
Honestly I think the mayor is going to have to speak up for this one,
This is nothing short of cutting off the head of jebidia Springfeild,
There was no bart simpson putting el barto all over the wall,
One question boils down?
"And I thought the guestoppo Was friendly"-
Signed Sincerly,
Craig Faller-