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What's there to ski in WA?
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I'm moving to Seattle next fall for school and was wondering what there is to ski and how far it is from Seattle.
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You could ski at Snowqualmie or Stevens, dont know how far away each is but only a few hours. Or you could ski at Crystal, which is quite a bit farther away and has no park. Dont come to Mt. Baker...it sucks.
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lol dont come to mt. baker your crazy!
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yeah, mt. baker is a pathetic excuse for a mountain
Posts: 1224
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EXACTLY - no vert, no customer service, bad terrain park, crappy bc, wet snow, lots of rain, corrupt ski patrollers, no safety bars on the lifts...if you want more bullshit then just pm me
Posts: 5972
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where are you going to school?
we have mountains-a-plenty, you'll love it up here.
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i hope your joking lol. i do agree on the terrain park.
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snoqualmie is focusing a lot more on thier parks cause the rest of the terrain sucks, so if your goin to UW or somethin then that and stevens or crystal are good spots
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Yah Im just playin
The terrain park hasnt been too bad lately though has it..Channel Gap/up box (vettical, like the orage masters)/ biggest jumps all year, but its still shitty compared to the stuff down south.
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alpintal is garbage. lol. ya the park isnt to bad acctualy just need to do sometihng about the speed issues.
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If I were to have them fix two things, it'd be speed and the fact that they dont even put all the rails up.
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nice, im finally gonna ride baker again this weekend, is the channel big? plus EASTER EGG HUNT next weekend whos down.
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The channel is semi-big. I actually didnt see anyone gap over the channel, and theres two hits on each side. I didnt hit any of them because my knee wasnt really feelin that good. Its kind of weird though becuase my friend told me one side has a flat poopy lip and the other has a lot of pop, but you can definetly take it huge. It think its just a table, but the landings built up so big its almost a bit of a step-up.
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im going to seattle university so i'll be smack dab in seattle. snoqualmie sounds fun though im sorry to hear that their terrain outside of the park isn't any good.
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actualy I really love alpental but your not going to hear any thing on east.
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Snoqualmie has plenty outside of the park, you just have to go to Alpental. I've been skiing there years, and it never gets old.
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yea i go to central right down the street and snoqualmie/alpental works fine for me, with the occasional stevens or baker trip
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u can just go to alpental normally the terrain is sick
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Karma: 342
you could ski on the moon.
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snoqualmie = overrated
crystal = underrated
baker = king
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sorry you have to ski in Wa
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dude its not bad at all. imagine being on the east coast.
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snoqualmie = short drive cheap pass
crystal = long drive CRAZY expensive pass
baker = longer drive
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niggas b triflin up n dis thread.
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dude, for actual expert terrain, Washington is hard to beat. Great parks are just few and far between.
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to have a few you need to have more than one, same goes for having them far away from each other.
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washington shreds taht are proud and love it. thats real, i wouldnt wanna live anywhere else.
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I say we spread the washington hate, that way less people move here
thats why its always raining in washington!
Posts: 2468
Karma: 26
smoke the bomb buhdder in wa
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Are you fucking retarded? you are WHITE! get that shit in your head!
Posts: 1224
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This man speaks the truth.
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you use the term "homies" in your profile
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Messages Sent From cliffhuckster* (Currently offline ):
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Date Sent: April 7 2006 18:42:38
Seriously, quit droppin the n - word. I dont give a shit what snowcompton will do, your fucking white
nigga u don kno dat. Ill chop you bitch.
Posts: 3877
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shit your name is a walking oxymoron faggot.
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My screen name is one thing but droppin the n-word 5,000 times is retarded
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Why did you call him the n-word, hes not black dumbass!
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I can't believe I waste by time reading this mindless bullshit...
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Yeah.....time to step back and quote awesomecoolguy(I think) -
arguing on the internet is like running a race in the special olympics, even if you win your still retarded.
I dont konw if thats the exact qoute, I just remember seeing something like that in somebodys signature.
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^yea exactly, so shut the fuck up now and stop making a dickface of yourself yuh//yuh
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well my step dad is black and i have a lot of black cousins and friends that dont care if im like "what up my nigga" to them. really most black people dont care as long as you dont say nigger.
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I dont think you get it. You guys suck balls. R u fucking retarted, have u ever been to compton. Im straight out of cali and i know u fools would get shot up wearing ur gay ski boots....Be sure and dont shoot ur pecker off when ur skiing, bitch.
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fuck wa im moving to the himilaighas/yeti glacier
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ski crystal or baker or something.
snoqualmie has park, so does stevens but the terrain is awesome.
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yeah its too bad that they didnt put em up, not even at the end of the year
and that they didnt have a comp for the spring
but whatevs
im still in love with baker
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So a buddy at school today tells me this morning he got up at 4, drove to Alpental, hiked all the way to the top (tippy top), skied down, and was back at UW for class at 8:30..... fucker.
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thats pretty intense... I think I was going to bed about 4 last night...
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i really like stevens good terrain and good to OK park. Alpental has alot of BC terrain and its only half an hour away from seattle
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how far is stevens from seattle?
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