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Ok these are the top 10 reasons for death in the United States.
1.)Heart Disease: 696,947
2.)Cancer: 557,271
3.)Stroke: 162,672
4.)Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 124,816
5.)Accidents (unintentional injuries): 106,742
6.)Diabetes: 73,249
7.)Influenza/Pneumonia: 65,681
8.)Alzheimer's disease: 58,866
9.)Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 40,974
10.)Septicemia: 33,865
These numbers are on a YEARLY basis. These are the year 2003.
Now SINCE 2003 meaning the last 3 years, there has been 1865 Combat deaths TOTAL in Iraq. This shows how really it is a very small deal and no its not the end of the world. It is blown out of proportion completely.
Now drinkingn and driving there were 16,600 fatalities in 2004. There ya go you don't hear anyone on hear bitching about that do you? or doing shit about that now do you? Have your chioces but all this complaining about the US is BULLSHIT. Compared to drugs and alcohol the war is a bump.
its interesting cause problems like heart disease are very much preventable/treatable w. a good diet...which would explain why many americans die of it cause theyre all stuffing their faces w. freedom fries and grease
Smoking. Most people know that cigarette and tabacco smoking increases your risk of lung cancer, but fewer realize that it also greatly increases your risk of heart disease and peripheral vascular disease (disease in the vessels that supply blood to the arms and legs). According to the American Heart Association, more than 400,000 Americans die each year of smoking-related illnesses. Many of these deaths are because of the effects of smoking on the heart and blood vessels.
but the soldiers in iraq...come on dude show some respect. their fighting for their country...doing patriotic and commendable deeds and they are dieing in battle. thats why its a big deal. i see the point your trying to make but all htose other deaths are from old people who have had their fun and people (as snowbunny said) stuffing their face with food that they know will cause future problems.
The point is that these people died for no clear reason. Also by that logic 9/11 was no big deal. An even better example would be terrorism, there is so much hype about how we are all going to die if we arnt careful but less people die from terrorism than most things. It is all scare tactics, the government tring to control us by telling us that if we arn't careful we will be killed by terrorists.
its there own fault cause they go and eat enough for a fucking family of 6 everynight a fast food joint and get mad ass fat and work a desk job all day long = no exercise
Shure but the deaths of the soldiers could have been prevented in foresight unlike the accedental deaths. When we decided to invade Iraq we knew that people we going to die. Thus if we never invaded Iraq these lives could have been spared.
Its not like she has anything to be angry about. I mean its not like her son died in a war that was started for no reason and in the end will create a larger problem than what was already there.
Last time I checked her son was an ADULT that makes his own fucking desicions you idiot. He signed up for the military. That can ha[pen. "
And Leckett. I am not meaning this in a negative way towards the soldiers at all what so ever. I have alot of friends that are there or have gotten back, I am just arguing against the people that ride the US saying all this shit about how the GOV is killing peeps off and stuff. I definitely respect what our military is doing/
And these deaths coul have been prevented scarrol? Last time I checked 400,000 deaths alone could be pre3vented if we didn't use tobacco products. I US, decisions are much more stable then your own freewill is evidently.
whoa, what jsut a second. I'm not going to get into this argument, but really:
"Now drinkingn and driving there were 16,600 fatalities in 2004. There ya go you don't hear anyone on hear bitching about that do you? or doing shit about that now do you?"
you don't hear anyone bitching about DUI? No one's doing anything about this? Haven't you ever seen or heard a "Don't Drink and Drive" ad? have you ever heard of MADD?
9/11 is no big deal? you cant be serious. a plane FULL OF CIVILLIANS was hijacked and FLOWN into the world trade center killing thousands of people. ALL those innocent deaths from the worst terrorist attack of the past few decades and your going to say that its no big deal???? and the reason people are sayng that if were not careful were all going to die is because the al quaeda supposedly have a large stash of chemical missles and other weapons of mass destruction which, if needed, i would not be suprised they used on the US. dude you dont know what your talking about. terrorism deaths are brutal and disgraceful thats why they are highlighted. their highlighting hte potential of what can come to the states if they arent careful. and their all innocent people who did nothign to deserve death. the reason i am so against people denying deaths of war and terrorism are mostly because i saw the video of the poor man who got beheaded and it actually disturbed me. i wasnt myself for the rest of the week. its disgusting what those people have in mind.
MADD is mothers against drunk driving, and I doubt there are many mothers on here. If you post a thread about drinking or smoking, it will get plenty of responses.
i believe he was pointing out the flaws in gotoma's logic. 9-11 was a huge deal, but if you base importance on body count as this thread suggests, it isn't that important compared to the other examples.