My only problem with these kind of shows is that they just glamorize the 'cop mentality'.
The mentality being that it's ok to break the law, as long as you are a cop, and as long as you are doing it to 'get the bad guy'.
The truth is, none of us are innocent, and with cops following you around, eavesdropping on your conversations, digging through your trash, checking your bank account, searching your car, searching your bags, and checking your travel plans, everyone can eventually be found guilty of SOMETHING. Hell, not even found guilty. An investigation or arrest alone can destroy your life, even if you are later acquitted. SUSPICION is GUILT, make no mistake.
Now, if they don't like your politics, your clothing, your music, or your perceived sexual orientation, in other words if you are not exactly like a cop pretends to be, you are fucked.
There is a reason why the Bill of Rights was written. There is a reason that the original Colonies refused to agree to a union without those protections in place.
Police states are a natural progression in any society, as any new restrictions on liberty are rarely removed. Through history the excuses change, but the song remains the same.
Be vigilant, be vocal, be armed.
Is that revolutionary talk? Just watch how Jack behaves on the show. Don't we all envy his dedication, his freedom to do that right thing, his firepower?
Shows like this, and the Law and Order-style shows are compelling, because we ALL wish we could act just like those cops and do the right thing when necessary, without consequences, and always get it right.
However, if we did, we would be certainly be locked up.