Replying to Ummmm corn.....
i know it snowed today and it is forecasted to snow more this week and I am psyched,
but we are approaching the end of the ski season for most resorts here in utah and with the approaching end, comes one of my favorite times to ski....Spring season
and since I got a taste of the joy of spring skiing yesterday afternoon, my question is who is ready to rip up some delicious corn and slush bumps?!? Personally, spring skiing is my favorite times of the ski season (along with the early season and the part of the season like the last few weeks where it just won't stop dumping), warm weather and skiing is such a great combination. So what do you think makes for the best weather for a perfect corn cycle? where you go from skiing hard kernals in the morn to buttery corn in the afternoon?
who else is psyched for some corn and the debauchery that comes at the end of season? Another question is why doesn't anyone ski and party in utah? I was up on st. patrick's day at alta and I don't think I saw anyone else boozing and skiing like we were, do people party on slopes? Cause my last few seasons in colorado, it was like one big ass party on slopes everyday, we need to unite in celebration of the end of the ski season.
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