So after my recent post, i was contacted by 4frnt themselves on ns. To be blunt, i got everything i could ever ask for from a company. They contacted me directly, were very professional, and direct; and expressed concern over my pubic, and very negitive review of their product. At the time, i was frustrated, and may have been somehwat unfair. Let me set the record straight:
The contacted my local shop for pictures, and to get further details of the damage to the skis. when my shop sent in the warrentee claim, they never mentioned the tip edge starting to come out because apparently they missed it. i can see how this could happen, as it was just starting to crack underneith, and the filling inbetween the edge seams was missing. The response i got from them was that they (4frnt) had originally talked with my shop, and tried to get me back on snow as quickly as possible, suggesting that it might be faster to epoxy it then send it back, and if the epoxy job didnt hold, they would replace the skis "no questions asked". I was unaware of this, as my shop didnt mention that to me, only that they suggested it be epoxied.
After my recent contact, 4frnt called my shop directly(very imprssed with this) and talked to them about it, mentioned what i had said about the tip, and asked for pictures.
If indeed the tip is a warrentee issue i will be getting a pair of next years stls.
This is all i could ever ask for from a company. Very personable, professional, and courteous. I dont feel i was fair to 4frnt in writing an overly negitive review before contacting them. I retract my previous post. Theyre a great company, and stand by their product. my view of what happened has shifted 180 degrees, and i sincerely apologize 4frnt, for publically doubting your worth. I will undoubtably continue to support them after this response.
Ns'ers, there is no reason to be wary of 4frnt skis. infact, i would reccomend them after this experience.