^ ©2000 Kevin Carter, Starving Child in Sudan, 1993
^©2000 Pablo Bartholomew, Victims of Bhopal Gas Disaster India, 1984
©2000 Frank Fournier, Drowning Girl in Colombian Mudslide, 1985
^©2000 Santiago Lyon, Palestinian Being Hit with Rubber Bullet 1999
^©2000 Paul Watson, U.S. Soldier Being Dragged Through the Streets of Somalia, 1993
^©2000 Larry Price, Liberia Executions by Sgt. Doe 1980
^©2000 David C. Turnley, US Sergeant Ken Kozakiewicz cries as he learns that the body bag, next to him in the medical evacuation helicopter, contains the body of his friend killed by 'friendly fire.' ,Iraq/Kuwait, 1991
^©2000 Alon Reininger, AIDS Victim ,1997
©2000 Charles H. Porter, Oklahoma City Bombing, 1995
©2000 Mary Ellen, Mark Monkey Trainer's Daughter: Indian Street Performers New Delhi, India 1980
©2000 Charlie Cole, Tiananmen Square, 1989
©2000 James Nachtwey, Untitled, Romania, 1990
It's evolution baby.