I have taken in total probably 5 different avi course. I also was in a Backcountry Awarenness Course (Adventure Tourism) in school for 3 months. We spent 3 days a week in the BC with one the kootenays most knowledgable mountaineers (Howie Ridge).
For anyone who wants to venture into the backcountry, don't think that one short course and the right equipment will make you prepared.
Talk to patrolloers, people who are in the backcountry all the time, and guides to help you out. I know that if anyone came up to me and wanted to learn about BC stuff I would for sure help them out extensively. Just gain as much info as you can, practice beacon searches alot, analyze snow, study weather reports and have companions with you that you can trust no matter what happens.
If you want to learn more or want to know current avi conditions check out