ok, this story is going to get weirder and weirder as it goes along.
about a year and a half ago, my brothers friend met a girl over WoW(world of warcraft).
they got to talking, and eventually fell in love. she lives in illinois, he lives in vermont.
so, we thought it was weird enough that he met "the love of his life" over a video game, but then we found out that she was 14. my bro's friend is 20.
so when we found that out, we belittled him to no end.
then he let the bomb drop. He told us he was flying out to visit her in illinois over spring break. but guess who he's bringing with him. HIS MOTHER. this kid brings his mom along with him to meet the love of his life, who he met over a video game, and is 6 years younger than he is.