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Tell me what you think about sending it for sponsorship
Posts: 382
Karma: 99
Posts: 1939
Karma: 910
alot about how you word your resimay and if you know people at the company etc., good video though
Posts: 4935
Karma: 173
Posts: 1939
Karma: 910
Posts: 4935
Karma: 173
Posts: 5016
Karma: 65
Not to be an asshole or anything, but over 1/2 your tricks looked like shit. Work on your style and come out of it cleaner. Im no park expert, but it just didnt look right. And besides all of that you're not good enough. Keep up the work though.
Posts: 4935
Karma: 173
send it ya never know, the fact that you look like yur eight works in your favor
Posts: 3412
Karma: 69
you need more diversity than lipslide and 3s. you need more 5-7 and more technical tricks on rails
Posts: 2484
Karma: 6
Nice constructive criticism!
Posts: 2068
Karma: 12
Posts: 2499
Karma: 69
u need to grab ur skis, with no grab spins usually look like crap, like urs, not to be a jerk tho sorry
Posts: 9671
Karma: 482
You kinda suck. But in a good way. Learn some corks, switch 7s, spins on rails, style, and spin the other direction and your set.
Posts: 12874
Karma: 3,460
dude. he seemed pritty good to me. he seems younger and sponsors want to get people like that. appeals to different crowds.
Posts: 9304
Karma: 3,670
not bad, but learn sw/ 5s and sw/ 7s. and grab tail, nose critical more and i think u might be able to get shop sponsorship
how old are you?
Posts: 114
Karma: 10
I am a lot better than you and I am only sponcerd by my parents.
Posts: 114
Karma: 10
I am a lot better than you and I am only sponcerd by my parents.
Posts: 114
Karma: 10
I am a lot better than you and I am only sponcerd by my parents.
Posts: 19
Karma: 10
more like Edit of Little Me. i agree with what has been said
Posts: 1573
Karma: 23
get some more switch and tech tricks down. try to develop your own little style. something that makes you different from everyone else other than your age and size. when you ski, someone should be able to say, hey thats BLOHHAHLFK!
get some urban shots, or some stuff of you and your friends just goofing around or something. its all just solid park skiing. same hills, same tricks sort of thing. try some more difficult kink rails too.
Posts: 0
Karma: 87
newsflash, you don't need to be that good to be sponsored, it all depends on where you ski and who you know. If hes that good and rides at a shitty little mountain that everyone sucks at he can get hooked up, those skills in park city wouldn't cut it but I don't think the kid is that bad. Maybe you should get some footage of yourself skiing, show you're diverse and can do lots of trhings well since your bag of tricks isn't that big.
Posts: 5240
Karma: 30
i thought it was really good. Your young, sponsors will like that im sure. You have a good image and your a good skier. Keep it up
Posts: 4871
Karma: 2,063
i thought that was a good edit for how young he is...props..try man..theres no harm in trying
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Dude that was wicked good! You're off to an amazing start for sure.
Posts: 1229
Karma: 21
i thought it was awsome, you look like a pretty little kid and that what companies are looking for. i think you'll do great
Posts: 525
Karma: 32
pretty damn good for how young you look. You can do more than me and i'm 19.
Posts: 2862
Karma: 19
i think that u are pretty good...nice editing too
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
i liked it... your spins were pretty damn smooth. maybe try to clean up on rails but im not much better so i shouldnt really talk
Posts: 1741
Karma: -2
yeah your really good, but not good enough for a sponsor. you need more style and different grabs, and mabye more switch stuff, then you could mabye have a chance.
Posts: 3157
Karma: 22
agreed. From what it looks like little man, you're on the right track. Unless you're over 13 I don't think you'll get a sponcership though. But I can almost garuntee that if you keep improving in a few years you will be, and be winning comps. Good stuff.
Posts: 1322
Karma: 33
i thought it was pretty good. get some more variety though. more switch tricks.
Posts: 2862
Karma: 19
variety is definitly the key word there...
Posts: 18426
Karma: 4,889
ok constructive criticism: half of your tricks are leftside 360s, you clearly have the skill to to 5s and 7s on those jumps so lets see it, also throw in some unnaty spins. more tech rails would definately help, i really liked the switch up. maybe even go for some urban rails. and finally you definately need more switch tricks, switch onto rails and off jumps
i think you have the potential but that vieo didnt really show it
Posts: 3023
Karma: 21
Posts: 3453
Karma: 21
I thought it was good. I wouldn't have dreamed of hitting some of those jumps at your age.. keep it up!
Posts: 5859
Karma: 44
dude how old are you? you should defenitly send it at least to a local shop or something. you got some mad skillz.
Posts: 3909
Karma: 223
Some people may dislike the words of your chosen music. Unless the lyrics really represent who you are, I would consider finding another song, possibly an instrumental.
Skiing was good.
Posts: 10166
Karma: 55
man that was really sic, deff send that in to someone you never know what could happen. just give it a shot and if it doesnt work out then whatevs at least your tried
Posts: 336
Karma: 10
Hey Jesse,
You had some good skiing in there. The camera work was kinda shaky and hard to watch. Hit me up with a message and we can work on it.
Posts: 82
Karma: 10
your pretty goood but unfourtunetly theres alot of good lil kids runnin around out there now... id say try to gget some more good clips and make another video at the end of the season
Posts: 106
Karma: 10
look at that, you already have a rep asking for you
Posts: 932
Karma: 27
loose the pizza into the rails, hit shit switch do 5/7 and you should be able to snag a shop sponsorship.
Posts: 91
Karma: 10
Your pretty good man but you need to work on style a little bit cut the pizza out before rails, grab your skis. Overall though you are pretty good keep it up.
Posts: 6783
Karma: 23
I wish I was that good when I was your age. But here's what you need.
Don't show the same trick more than once if you can help it. Show your best 360, your best 540, your best 720, etc. Show only the biggest rails, and only the most techy/clean/stylish tricks.
You want a video where every shot looks like you best. Not one where you have 5 or 6 really good tricks, and then a bunch that are pretty good. Also try to edit it a little better, some shots could have been cut off a little later, or a little earlier.
Just some suggestions, but you are a ripper for sure.
Posts: 355
Karma: 10
the tricks are great but i think you should stop doing pizzas. there are other ways to slow down. pizzas just make everything look like crap. also like other people said, work on your switch tricks. otherwise a good vid, especially for your age.
Posts: 3905
Karma: 206
props man, it looks pretty decent, i wish there were terrain parks when i was your age! a lot of getting sponsored comes down to who you know, so get to be on a first name, friendly basis with your local shop. even if your local shop doesnt do sponsorships themselves (mine doesnt) if they know you are out there rippin the will let the right people know about you. you've got the balls to hit the big features, thats for sure. a lot of those hits from killington were pretty nice when i was up there a few weeks ago, and something like that, all you need to do is keep your head looking over your shoulder and commit and you'll be getting 5's and 7's around no problem.
Posts: 1939
Karma: 910
tech tricks would work in your favor
Posts: 1772
Karma: 11
not to shabby, like most people said work on some of your grabs with spins, i liked that limbo-jib thing, found that funny, youlook pretty comfortable on the rails, jsut try and do a little less snow-polw when you want to slow down, but overall, C+ or B-
Posts: 11149
Karma: 1,416
dude thats tight i cant do rails for crap but you might wanna add some grabs to the spins.
also speed it up a little, kinda slow. Hit the jumps at maybe 5-10 mph faster, same w/ teh rails.
Add some switch 540s in there too. Those look sick.
Posts: 115
Karma: 10
change the song, they suck.
still real tight for your age.
Posts: 185
Karma: 10
the worst i've ever seen. all you can do is 360
Posts: 5069
Karma: 1,017
not bad at all. Is hard to tell but the fact you're starting young is great.
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