I guess in one of his latest movies/tapes he said he's going to martyr himself this year. That's fucking gay. I hope he tries to get into the U.S. and then gets the shit kicked out of him by security or people at the airport. i can see it now, 100's of angry people because they're flights canceled due to him swarming his sorry ass and beating him till he'll do anything like take it from behind like scotch
'What the hell is this? I ordered a cocktail not a fucking jungle. You could fall in love with an orangatang in there.' Some guy in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels refering to his drink that had a mini umbrella and fruit on top of it.
Shut up phrosty - The rest of the world percieves the average american to be dumb, stupid and a redneck because of that exact attitude – Schlonigator