Replying to Doghead--THE St. Patricks Day tradition
I'd like to share my first experience with our college's tradition of doghead, which takes place on the saturday after st patricks day. fortunately, this year the two holidays ran back to back, making it even better. i was somewhat dissapointed to find out that the local liquor store doesn't take out of state ID, so we couldnt get all the stuff we needed to make car bombs and ended up with racks of busch, but drinking is drinking. so we drink a little friday night, watch some basketball, and get to bed around midnight.
next morning we wake up at 4:45 AM, and have a nice beer in bed. i was kinda nervous about making noise that early, but i was really impressed with the amount of participation from the rest of the school. the whole rest of our hall was awake and showering with beer in hand. after getting dressed we head over to my friends room around 5:15, and play beirut and flip cup till about 8. being drunk as the sun is rising is definitely an experience everyone should have. so then we head to breakfast, completely out of our minds, and meet the whole school who has had a similar morning. the dining hall is packed with emerald clad belligerent college kids, enjoying a nice drunk breakfast. people are dropping trays left and right, all with a resounding applause to follow. this breakfast was my best college experience to date; everyone is completely trashed at 8 in the morning and in the best party mood ever.
so we head back from breakfast, lots of people drank the whole rest of the morning, but i ripped a bowl and watched darkside of the rainbow with a bunch of kids instead, then crashed and burned into a nap till around 1:45. we all wake up from our nap then head to lunch, where those who didnt nap are all hitting their respective crashes, and all those who slept are feeling nice and hung over. needless to say people are nodding off left and right.
we leave lunch and head back to the dorm to start another round of drinking. i had a couple more brews then settled in for another nap. after that we went to dinner, and partied like any other weekend until about 2. so in conclusion there were lots of beers, very few tears, and a grand ol' irish time had by all..
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