OK- here's the deal..
*All skis are this seasons model 2005-2006.
*The demos have had been drilled for Salomon demo-track bindings, but are sold as SKI ONLY. They have been skied (8-10 Days), some more than others.
*New skis are BRAND NEW-most are sill in wrap.
*Do not ask if I will go lower on price.
*Questions please contact me via armadaskis@gmail.com
Here's what I have:
DEMO $235 per set:
ARW 160
AR5 170, 176, 181
THall 170
NEW $350 per set:
AR5 170, 176, 181
NEW $375 per set:
THall 170, 176
ARV 175, 185
For tech info click to www.armadaskis.com