ok, get asked this alot, and this is the answer. you really cant do straight manuals down the hill like a snowboard. dont have the right leverage. however, you can hit a small table or box, and while in the air, drag your tails over, and then either land or spin out of it. but my favorite manual trick is to get on your edges, and put all your weight on the back of your skis, if you do it right, you can manual a good distance, and then it will throw you around 180. real fun way to switch up. then, while your skiing fakie, you cando the same thing, edge your skis, and with practice, you can pop up and throw 180s and 360s around. it looks sooo much cooler than just jumpin or spinnin on snow. and, instead of just jumping on skis, you can ollie skis just like a skateboard. same motions. you just load up the tails, and pop up and forward. i can jump like 2wice as high this way, compared to just jumping off the snow.
Lets go skiing