Replying to Nastiest Story EVER
Alright, so everyday i take the whistler gondola down from work, and yesterday i sat down looked at the seat and thought, that's funny, who would leave black electrical tape all squished up on the seat? so i touched it and imediately realised that no, it wasn't tape, it was a god damn black condom. So i was disgusted and sat as far away from it that i could.
I get down to mid station, 2 kids and a snowboard instructor come in, the kids are about to sit on it and i told them not to sit there, and the instructor's like 'oh, how come? what's this?' he picks it up, Jizz oozes out onto the seat, he drops it like it's hot, then the kids start laughing soooo hard letting him know that he has sperm all over its hand, (the kids are like 11 & 13 or so). Not only is it a used condom, it's also Altitude week, used by gay guys w/brown shit on it. Fucken Nasty shit.
We get down to the Village, and my friends are working as lifties so we let them know that there's something that needed removal ASAP, the guy goes w/ his Tong thingy's picks it up upside down way higher then ppls head and jizz still was dripping from it all over the ground and in the Gondi. Naaaasty.
Never go in Gondi # 77.
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