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Jokes... It's all Jokes.. Add 'em Here!
Posts: 419
Karma: 6
Q. What is the difference between a drug dealer and a hooker?
A. A hooker can wash her crack and sell it again.
Q. What's a mixed feeling?
A. When you see your mother-in-law backing off a cliff in your new car.
Q. What's the height of conceit?
A. Having an orgasm and calling out your own name.
Q. What's the definition of macho?
A. Jogging home from your vasectomy.
Q. What's the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball?
A. A guy will actually search for a golf ball
Q. Do you know how New Zealanders practice safe sex?
A. They spray paint X's on the back of the sheep that kick.
Q. Why is divorce so expensive?
A. Because it's worth it.
Q. What is a Yankee?
A. The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone.
Q. What do Tupperware and a walrus have in common?
A. They both like a tight seal.
Q. What do a Christmas tree and priest have in common?
A. Their balls are just for decoration.
Q. What is the difference between "ooooooh" and "aaaaaaah"?
A. About three inches.
Q. Why do Gay men wear ribbed condoms?
A. For traction in the mud.
Q: What's the difference between purple and pink?
A. The grip.
Q. How do you find a blind man in a nudist colony?
A. It's not hard.
Q: How do you circumcise a hillbilly?
A: Kick his sister in the jaw.
Q: What's the difference between a girlfriend and a wife?
A: 45 pounds.
Q: What's the difference between a boyfriend and a husband?
A: 45 minutes.
Q: Why do men find it difficult to make eye contact?
A: Breasts don't have eyes.
Q: If the dove is the bird of peace, what is the bird of true love?
A. The swallow.
Q: What is the difference between medium and rare?
A: Six inches is medium, eight inches is rare.
Q. Why do women rub their eyes when they get up in the morning?
A. They don't have balls to scratch.
Posts: 2282
Karma: 16
Hahaha, jea def. some of the best jokes I heard (read) for a long time
Posts: 2282
Karma: 16
unfortunately I know no jokes to add
Posts: 2543
Karma: 930
Q: How do you circumcise a hillbilly?
A: Kick his sister in the jaw.
Posts: 0
Karma: 13
HAHAHAHA those were fuckin great. im saving those to my comp
Posts: 10182
Karma: 66
Posts: 13168
Karma: 19,616
Posts: 2083
Karma: 28
Q:What do you call a blond with half a brain
Q:What do you call a blond with 2 brain cells
Q:why wash the blond running in the bathtub
A:she was useing Wash & Go
Posts: 7121
Karma: 15
what is the difference between a pick-pocket and a peeping-Tom
the pick pocket snatches watches....
Posts: 384
Karma: 10
Posts: 3455
Karma: 10
Posts: 3480
Karma: 6
ha ha how do you find a blind manin a nudist colony...its not hard...lmao
Posts: 5065
Karma: 84
Posts: 5065
Karma: 84
oh yea. Q:What is round and really violent?
A:A viscious Circle
Posts: 396
Karma: 10
if you guys don't mind racist jokes i can add some good ones.
Posts: 419
Karma: 6
Hey, A Jokes a Joke. As long as we all agree it's just a joke and not an attack on anyone...
Besides, if you get too out of line the Mods'll take care of it..
Posts: 4221
Karma: 20
lets see em
this joke is like the worse one ive ever heard in my life so no jews should read it...
Q:whats the diff bw a jew and a pizza
A:pizzas come outta the oven
Q: whats the diff bw a black dude and a large pizza?
A: a large pizza can feed a faimly
Q: Whatd the white guy see when he saw his tv floating in mid air late at night
Q:whadda call a mexican without a lawnmower
A: unemployed
Q:what do people and jelly beans have in common?
A; no one likes the black ones
Q: how long does it take to paint a wall with babies?
A; depends how hard you throw them
Q:how long does it take for a black woman to take a shit
A: 9 months
thats all i can think of
Posts: 396
Karma: 10
Q: What's the difference between black people and snow tires?
A: Tires don't sing when you put chains on them.
Q: Why do black people only have nightmares?
A: Because the last one that had a dream got shot.
i have a bunch that are slipping my mind, and i don't mean to offend anyone.
Posts: 396
Karma: 10
oh and..
Q: What's long, black, and smells like chicken?
A: The unemployment line.
Posts: 419
Karma: 6
Nice.. Alright anyone got some good Whitey jokes to even things out a bit???
Posts: 124
Karma: 10
Q. What's a mixed feeling?
A. When you see your mother-in-law backing off a cliff in your new car.
i'm so telling my mom on you. ;)
Posts: 6672
Karma: 19
Posts: 5240
Karma: 30
haha those are prety good
Posts: 1642
Karma: 51
Baby jokes
Q: Whats funnier than a dead baby on the side of the road?
A: A dead baby in a clown suit on the side of the road
Q: Whats the diffetence between a Cadillac in my garage and a bag of dead babies in my garage?
A: I dont have a Cadillac in my garage.
Q: What do you do when you see a Mexican limping through a field?
A: Stop laughing and reload
Posts: 5736
Karma: 4,890
what happened to the jew who had an erection when he walked into a wall?...................he broke his nose
Posts: 1093
Karma: 12
why did the little boy die on Brokeback mountain?
because he got anal raped so many times that he died from loss of blood! hahaha
Posts: 1211
Karma: 10
There was a lady at a bar. Every time she wanted a drink she would raise her hand. She had very bad armpit hair. The Bartender was getting really grossed out and told the man sitting at the bar that next time she did that he was not going to give her a drink.
One minute later she said, ''Bartender, Bartender, get me another drink.''
The bartender said no. The man sitting there said, ''Oh give the poor ballerina another drink.''
The bartender said, ''How do you know she is a ballerina?''
The man replied, ''Well anyone that can lift there leg that high must be a ballerina!''
Posts: 1297
Karma: 30
those we pretty funny, ^^ that broke back mountain one was just gross
Posts: 9632
Karma: 580
are you blonde by any chance?
Posts: 566
Karma: 10
Long but funny...
This bartender watches this guy walk into his bar and then go right over to a table full of people. The guy starts talking to all the people at the table and then shakes hands with one of them. Then the guy walks over to the bartender and says.
"I bet you 50 bucks I can piss in this shot glass from across the bar."
The bartender then says, "No way man, your on."
So the guy stands across the bar and starts pissing. He pisses all over the bar and doesn't get one drop in the shot glass.
The bartender then says, "Haha, you owe me 50 bucks!"
The man replies with, "That's fine, I just bet that table over there 500 bucks I could piss all over your bar and you wouldn't get mad."
Posts: 3735
Karma: 15
Q. How do you bury a dead baby.
A. Throw it in a dumpster.
I made that one up I hope.
Posts: 996
Karma: 23
Q: Whats more fun than swinging a baby around on a string?
A: Stopping it with a shovel.
Q: Whats more fun than throwing a baby off a cliff?
A: Catching it with a pitchfork.
Q: Whats funnier then a pile of dead babies?
A: A pile of dead babies next to a kid wth downs syndrom.
Q: Why was the kid walking in circles?
A: His foot was nailed to the floor.
Q: Why did the little girl drop her lollipop?
A: She got hit by a truck.
Q: Why did the girl fall off the swing?
A: She had no arms.
Q: Why did the airplane crash into the mountain?
A: Because the pilot was a loaf of bread.
Q: Why did the gardener wake up screaming?
A: He had shit in his mouth.
Those are just some of my favorites...I have a ton more though
Posts: 7906
Karma: 33
"When do you know if a Midget is gay?"
"When he comes out of the cupboard!"
Posts: 925
Karma: 13
this one is bad but...
what do u call a black batman and robin...
Posts: 9632
Karma: 580
hahaha thats fuckin amazing
Posts: 1611
Karma: 13
i have so many racist jokes its ridiculous
Posts: 1611
Karma: 13
heres one
Q: Whats purple and chained to my front porch?
A: My black man and ill paint him whatever color i want
Posts: 321
Karma: 10
Posts: 3483
Karma: 29
heres a good one,
Whats really long and white?
My Penis
Posts: 129
Karma: 11
why is tiger dirty?
cuz he always plays with poo
Posts: 281
Karma: 104
Q. why do women have small feet
A. to be closser to the sink
Q.what the diference between jessus and jesus picture
A. it only take won nail ton hang the picture
Q. what do you do when your dish washer doesn't work
A. kick her in the shins
Posts: 12874
Karma: 3,460
i love it
Posts: 1093
Karma: 12
what are really easy words that silvercartel spelled wrong?
"one" "closer" "to" "jesus"
ell oh ell i made that one up myself
Posts: 989
Karma: 13
yea i heard that is a joke^^
Posts: 1248
Karma: 8
what's the difference between an Ethiopian and a pair of pants?
the pair of pants only has one fly on it
Posts: 5240
Karma: 30
i just heard this today, found it pretty funny.
Dad- John
Kid- Ryan
Ryan comes home from a dance, with a big smile on his face.
Dad: why are you so happy? why home so late?
Ryan: your not gonna believe it dad, i just had sex!
Dad: Good Job Son! you know what, i think i'll get you that new bike you always wanted
Ryan: Yay!
Dad: i dont get payed till next week though, so you'll have to wait
Ryan: Oh thats perfect, my ass should be fine by then!
i think i messed it up
Posts: 1177
Karma: 45
Q:did you know that helen keller had a doll house?
A: neither did she
Q:why did helen kellers dog run away?
A: because it hated bieng called ughablersafreaf
Posts: 1667
Karma: 21
Q: what do you call a blonde standing on her head
A: A brunette with bad breathe
Posts: 360
Karma: 11
Q:whats worse than 9 babies stapled to a tree?
A:1 baby stapled to 9 trees
Posts: 1177
Karma: 45
Posts: 13846
Karma: 651
Q: Why did the woman cross the street?
A: Who cares, why isnt she in the kitchen
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