I was skiing at Keystone friday-
-dust on crust
-extreme flat light
-little icy
I was hauling ass and I was cut off by two tourists one some run between north peak and outback. I was forced to go hard left into what looked like it could be soft snow. It was huge bumps. After maybe 100 feet I double ejected and went airborn. I was in the air for a very long time. I came down directly onto the top of my left shoulder (feet above head) which snapped my left clavical and then I tumbled over and over for a few hundred more feet, breaking it several more times. I came to a stop and was up walking around for a minute, i was going to try to ski or walk down but then I collapsed to my knees and started to feel the pain. Luckily I was with a girl I've been dating and she was there for me for the 15 minute wait for ski patrol and the 45 minute tobogan/snowmobile ride and then in the hosbital. She also took care of me at her place for a few days. 2 doctors have said surgery is a must, but today I went to another specialist and she said no. 1 more opinion tomorrow and I will know for sure. I'm all kinds of fucked up right now on vicadin and valium.