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I slide cingular---i ski one ski---
Posts: 94
Karma: 10
I recently started skiing on just my right ski and doing jumps and shit(stuff). What should I call this trick (like clickin a ski off in the air, or ridin one ski off a jump for a grab or a three), and has anyone ever heard of this before?
would this score well in a comp? you think?
Posts: 4746
Karma: 18
lmao it sounds hella gay.
Posts: 94
Karma: 10
fuck you, if i wanted negative feedback i would have asked my parents
Posts: 857
Karma: 99
ha that takes some skill i dunno try it out in a comp and see what they think just make sure they know ur doin that on purpose
Posts: 4746
Karma: 18
whatever fuck you dude...im not the retard going off jumps on only one ski on.
Posts: 1269
Karma: 344
Posts: 566
Karma: 10
I'd say just stick to riding with both skis dude
Posts: 4746
Karma: 18
lmao i was thinking the same thing.
Posts: 482
Karma: 10
sounds like a toren acl to me!! or the knee buster!!!
Posts: 94
Karma: 10
shut up, quit wasting your time living
Posts: 4746
Karma: 18
Posts: 295
Karma: 9
i love how corporate advertising has taken over your life and caused you to mis-spell simple words like singular.
dont plug the beast...
Posts: 4746
Karma: 18
get video or pics of u doin this shit so we can all laugh our asses off.
Posts: 3131
Karma: 515
yea that takes skill but im gunna have to say it probably doesnt look too sweet
Posts: 8068
Karma: 43
do it with no poles, then it would be awesome!!!
Posts: 566
Karma: 10
oh man, that would be soooo sick!! LOL
Posts: 2829
Karma: 44
thats exactly what I was thinking...uneccessary danger, and I can't see this looking very cool...but if youre really doing it thats pretty impressive
Posts: 8068
Karma: 43
dont forget the air blasters too.
Posts: 2489
Karma: 49
i remember somebody threw a 7 in a comp, lost a ski in the air, and still stuck it, and finished his run.
Posts: 3049
Karma: 300
Posts: 3049
Karma: 300
Posts: 4737
Karma: 1,096
youll get way more respect if you cut off your left leg too
Posts: 625
Karma: 12
I heard if you kick both skis off and give it to us on video, then you can get spancered by Armada
Posts: 2617
Karma: 23
i would cal it "the DIN isnt set tight enough unless you have to use both hands to push the heelpiece down, or else if you arent super smooth and do everything off 10 foot jumps you lose your shit on impact-grab"
Posts: 1249
Karma: 22
id have to agree with everyone else..sounds fag...but ya never know..
skiing is about innovation..it could be the next big thing dude..and we will all evolve to have three ahnds and one foot..
Posts: 3901
Karma: 9
haha dude funniest shit-nice catch
Posts: 9297
Karma: 1,495
hes advertising for the cell phones.
Cingular the worlds largest calling network.
introdoucing the allover thread. coz we're allover your shit
Posts: 3457
Karma: 41
ahaha umm sounds kinda sketch but fun call it the slack jawed croc or monkey sac 500
Posts: 164
Karma: 10
haha that shit sounds gay. are you paraplegic? cuz then it would be off the hook
Posts: 25443
Karma: 13,845
If you kicked one off in midair and managed to land it clean, I would clap.
Posts: 2132
Karma: 25
ya put your dame ski on boy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 3901
Karma: 9
you should name it the sick ducker
Posts: 3054
Karma: 24
do it in a comp, but make it look like an accident and theyll be like holy shit he pulled that out with 1 ski and finished the run with sick shit and youll win for sure
Posts: 3357
Karma: 66
Posts: 2041
Karma: 22
people with one leg do it all the time.
Posts: 146
Karma: 11
Posts: 6384
Karma: 953
actually it was a 10 I think in the the Mount Snow Motherhucker in 2004, and yeah, he stuck it. Pretty sick. It was on SAS, not sure who it was though
Posts: 3909
Karma: 223
You asked for people's thoughts...
Anyway, 1 footing is a great balance drill when learning to turn, but it sounds pretty dangerous going off park jumps. That puts a ton stress on your knee. I think both legs need to share the load of stomping a landing or bad things could happen.
Posts: 919
Karma: 10
well it sounds hard, but they sell skis in a pair of two for an obvious reason....
Posts: 455
Karma: 10
there was some kid at our big air that did one foot backflips...to be honest he looked like a tool doing it
Posts: 723
Karma: 10
yeaaaaaaa jst take the other one off and pin it on your finger then put it back on that would be t.i.g.h.t.
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
I don't think it'll score well just because how can you score something like that? Either way you are going to get a good reaction out of the judges and that is the best part.
Posts: 743
Karma: 31
Call it the Anal Penitrator
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