Today, March 12th 2005, Teddy Knape suffered an apparent heart attack in the mountains of Whistler BC and passed away. Teddy grew up in Grand Rapids Michigan and did more for the midwest ski scene in his life than anyone else i've met. He was a great kid who loved every aspect of the sport of skiing and never gave anyone a hard time. Also known as "Skier10322" on, he was pretty well known throughout the midwest ski scene as well as the national ski scene. i dont really know what else to say, i'm still in shock, once i find out details on the memorial services, which will presumably be held in western michigan, i will update the thread. keep the knape family in your thoughts.
Theo - thanks for all the good times i had with you at crystal mountain and all around the state, my view on the sport of skiing would be a whole lot different without you. i'll miss you.