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Salomon skies are way over rated!!!!
Posts: 88
Karma: 10
salomon skies are way over rated!! the pros only use the top sheet and dont use the foam core they use wood
Posts: 3483
Karma: 29
congrats on ur first post
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
Ya, Skies are way overrated. I've never seen a Sky that was rated accordingly.
Posts: 2829
Karma: 44
i am really laughing out loud....and fuck you you homo, salomon skis are solid...I've got a thousand bucks that says youve never skied them
Posts: 88
Karma: 10
and yes i have i would never by them again after the first season they were shit the back was spft and the front was stiff they get weaker and weaker every year YOU HOMO!!
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
Since it's apparent that you've ridden every model of every saloman skis from every year, I guess we'll just have to take your word for it that these skiyse suck.
Posts: 5842
Karma: 35
haha yea, and other skis get what, stronger every year?
Posts: 2491
Karma: 25
people really need to learn how to spell
Posts: 6943
Karma: 14
dude, you screwed yourself, have fun getting flamed for the rest of your NS career. I suggest you make a new name
Posts: 88
Karma: 10
yea well really do but most of it is the typo's
Posts: 3480
Karma: 6
theres a lot of douche bags lately, no offense
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Foam cores have been known to do that... it's no mystery so why don't you spend your time doing something more productive like, trying to figure out the NS alien.
Posts: 766
Karma: 13
a 1st post isn't a good time to rip on a ski company that probably 25% of people on this site ski
Posts: 894
Karma: 10
Posts: 8554
Karma: 183
Posts: 9201
Karma: 135
yes yes they are! FFF salomon
Posts: 960
Karma: 21
i have no opinion about salomon cus i havnet skiid them, but ur a deushbag (creator)
Posts: 2484
Karma: 6
Can someone please give me proof or a picture video whatever of a ski with a foam core that's been hashed, please do tell me. Where's the proof?
Posts: 4755
Karma: 192
from what I hear foils are amazing, and dude you probably aren't a good enoguh skier to have a foam core effect you at all. A foam core would probably help you because its lighter. Fucking I don't even think foam cores matter. die
Posts: 5069
Karma: 1,017
i skied on some foils they kicked some major ass
Posts: 9458
Karma: 105
I demoed:
185 Guns
161 Thrusters (to fuck around on)
182 Foils
And...basically, the worst skis I have ever put on my feet, the whole time I was skiing them I was scared shitless that they were going to break. I was skiing mostly skiied out moguls and steeps. Maybe they are better for groomers/parks...but I sure hated them.
Posts: 2585
Karma: 16
^Word, foils own...and the kid who started this thread is a fag, fuck you
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
dude i have a pair of foils
they are so sick its not even funny
they hold up very nicely in the powder, and they can go in the crud too. And they are pretty sick at the park. They are the best pair of all around skis I've ridden, so I think that this dude is random hating
Posts: 1508
Karma: 16
The PRs are just special skis
Posts: 9671
Karma: 482
bullshit how do YOU know the pros have wood cores?
Posts: 3710
Karma: 23
ummmmm OWN3D!!!! not 100% though, caleb i expect more from you.
Posts: 483
Karma: 11
kids a dumbass, but foam cores do suck
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Dude, you have to have confidence in the ski, that's your only problem. I have the Foils and to be honest with you, I've put them through some serious shit and they have held up oh so nicely. Though they may be decieving at first, (and they where to me as well) you just need to say, "Ah fuck it, they'll hold," and you'll realize that they are really great skis.
Posts: 849
Karma: 10
Posts: 3457
Karma: 41
lmao cam you cant spell and you are digging yourself a grave for the sake of nothing.
p.s hes never ridden salomon he had scott p.2's and now has fujis
Posts: 11149
Karma: 1,416
theyre solid skis and im sure they rip i just didnt like them when i skied them the guns are supposed to rule though
Posts: 3457
Karma: 41
yea ^ i have tried last years 1080's and this years thrusters and i didnt really like em but they are well made skis and ive never heard of one blowing apart or delaming ( cept for my little brothers 5 year old pair of 1080 groms, the base core and topsheet seperated into three)
Posts: 2567
Karma: 1,347
yah cam this is probly the worst thing you could have done. im sure we gave you alot of early notice that this would happen, but i guess you're too persistant on being a tool-bag.
Posts: 14693
Karma: 786
ahahahah he did, its cam16t
Posts: 3457
Karma: 41
just to clear this up he only made this thread to be a dumbass and piss my friend j3ysoph and everyother salomon skier on here off
please disregard his stupidity
Posts: 33
Karma: 10
jay ur an idiot the pnly reason y i made this is to piss u off cause u will only by salomon and u think there better then everything else!!!
Posts: 5016
Karma: 65
I remember last year EVERYONE on this site bashed salomon so hardcore. Fucking idiots. They're the same as last year. Nothing has changed except diminesions on a few skis.
Posts: 2585
Karma: 16
...that's coz they are?
(that's my opinion, be merciful)
Posts: 10471
Karma: 2,182
how much do u weigh, 400 lbs?
Posts: 3462
Karma: 239
no there not.
I dont understand how u sy everyone thinks salomons are overrated when half this site hates them.
Posts: 4569
Karma: 104
hey "cam' number 16, stick with racing you fag
Posts: 1216
Karma: 11
haha....i ride salomon everything and there skis own. i have the 1080s and they are so nice and smooth all over the hill so the creator cam whatever dont say shit about skis unless youve ridden them you fag.
Posts: 402
Karma: 14
misspelled words are overrated...
Posts: 3457
Karma: 41
Posts: 33
Karma: 10
wow u guys are retarded u take it way to seriously and it was'nt even supose to be a seriouse thread and u freaked out wow!!!!
Posts: 10471
Karma: 2,182
Posts: 13551
Karma: 31
Haha, you did make a new name.
Posts: 53
Karma: 10
dude...skis are overrated. i like bobsledding better. u guys r trippen over nothin
Posts: 427
Karma: 10
Way to whiff on this whole thread...don't be hating on certain skis just because they don't work for you. Find a ski that is good for you, and then go with it; don't complain about the ones that don't fit your style.
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