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MC Blue CB blah blah blah.. kids this is for you!
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
Seriously, all of you are acting like little children. Half the posts on here are saying how one place is the shit and then again how it sucks, over and over again.
Let me put it to you this way - I've skied in the region for a long time, then I moved out west for a bit, every single mountain out here shows up anything back home. So just be happy with what you have, support each other and your mountains, and stop bitching and bragging that your mountain is the next big thing, it isn't. Constructive discussion will go a lot farther, and it will be 100% less annoying.
Posts: 4871
Karma: 2,063
not trying to be a dick but anything out west would obviously be better than anything here
Posts: 8068
Karma: 43
youre in no position to make a post like this. you live out west and said yourself that everything out there beats the hell out of the east. shut the hell up
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
Posts: 1131
Karma: 96
Yeah, I agree... shut the fuck up.
Posts: 323
Karma: 10
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
did anyone even bother to read that I grew up riding the region? Let me put it this way, ive rode CB, shawnee, blue, and MC for 13 years, and california for 2. I'm in the position to know what I'm talking about.
Posts: 1131
Karma: 96
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
Posts: 323
Karma: 10
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
wow, what a kind and courteous group you are. the only point I was trying to make was that it's silly for all of you to bash each resort, every resort tries their best and as much support for everyone will be the most constructive.
take it or leave it, im done.
Posts: 8068
Karma: 43
k, well as i agree with you....somewhat. ive skiid CB for a while and they sure as hell dont seem like they try very much. which is why i dont ski there any more.
by the way, how many acres is your mountain? and how much snow do you get per year?
also, how is creating a post like this not gonna start another "my mountain sucks" thread? As i just contributed to.
Posts: 774
Karma: 11
mc isnt the next big thing it already is the big thing and mc rails are just as nice as anywhere out west
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
well, i still consider CB and shawnee "my mountains" but out here I ski at northstar and kirkwood, which get 400 inches a year, thousands of acres, theyre huge compared to back east.
The point was that I just saw a lot of bashing and thrashing, MC, Blue, vernon, liberty, whatever, everyone thinks their mountain is better. It's like arguing if USA golds are better than Kools when you could be smoking cigars, know what I mean?
I know a few mountains try hard, its the weather that really hinders progression, theres not much you can do about it. I just didn't see much value in a bunch of threads that bashed each other to death, thats all.
Posts: 6671
Karma: 137
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
Posts: 625
Karma: 12
Haha. I grew up skiing those mountains too (Bear and Blue mostly), then moved to CO. I used to hear the same shit then about which mountain was better. Its all good. Do the best with what you got and by all means try to get out West. It will put some things in perspective.
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
Thank you, thats what I was trying to say.
Posts: 3480
Karma: 6
stfu n00b...yeah i relaly have nothing to contribue to this thread
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
no, you don't. who are you calling a noob anyways?
Posts: 3480
Karma: 6
oh i was just joining in with the crowd, thats why i said i have nothing to contribute, but on a more intelligent note, i def see where youre coming from
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
Posts: 8068
Karma: 43
i really dont see where youe coming from.
you said the mtns in the poconos suck compared to the west coast. and we should be happy with what you have; Yet you live on the west coast. so that kind of contradicts what you say.
"we just got a 6 foot dump", for all you people at blue/cb be happy with what you have? is that what youre trying to say?
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
No, I still consider myself a local of the east, and I'll never stay out west forever. I was just tired of seeing kids talk shit on other mountains around them that aren't much different. It stems from arguments that I used to see on msg boards like ridecamelback.com and others, where kids like mckilledcb and others would bash camelback, etc. Btw shadow, arent you on ridecb?
Posts: 8068
Karma: 43
haha yes i am, or at least i was. a lot has been said by me on that board and no one really cares so i just left.
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
yeah i agree, im sethsev7n, you probably remember me.
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
you're quite the contributor with your concurring.
Posts: 8068
Karma: 43
cant say that i do...but youre probably one who talked shit on me, so whatever
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
talked shit on you? I rarely talked shit on anyone, and I doubt I did to you. I used to be on that board a lot when we worked for cb and rode there all the time, now i just occasionally check it.
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
Posts: 12055
Karma: 920
If it is any consolation. In a 13 and under competition a PA kid won the slopestyle event in the first day of qualifying. His home mountain is Big boulder and he rides there everyday. So obviously PA has the parks to produce the talent.
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
may i ask you why you put mountain creek(new jersey) before blue and cb(pennsylvania)?
are you saying that mountain creek is the worst, then blue, then cb? why cant you at least put a pa mtn before, then mountain creek, then another pa mountain?
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
This was the exact shit I was talking about but I think you already know that.
Posts: 323
Karma: 10
dude, he is 13 and thinks he is tough because he talks on NS. dont repsond to anything he says. its a waste of your time
Posts: 2586
Karma: 6
Maybe thats the problem, these forums are filled with 13 year olds, hah.
Posts: 3905
Karma: 206
^intelligent conversation is few and far between here. i got 2 years in PA after i graduate to so i dont have to pay back some grants from school, then i'm peacing out to colorado or utah or something. having to drive 6 hours if you want your season to last more than 3 months is pretty beat.
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
Posts: 27
Karma: 24
Posts: 911
Karma: 18
why would you even post this. honest... it's like bringing up old girlfriends with your new one. just let it go. who cares?
not me! becuase i'm stuck "in the region" until i get my degree.
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