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For the past 6 weeks i've been chilling not really skiing to let my possible minisus problems heal. I've been rehabing and stregthening my quads because the injury coulda left one shutting down. I skied tho the last two weeks doing some rail stuff and just yesterday started hitting jumps again, I felt confortable skiing on it too . We'll I just got back from reviewing my MRI i got this past monday with my doctor. He told me he saw a possible or a deffinate small tear in my med. miniscus on the inside of my right knee. He told me I was looking really good, the swelling had gone down, the dull pain I had in that area is pretty much gone, and he could twist my leg around in any direction he wanted without me being in any disconfort. However he told me his opinion from two views, a parent and a doctors, as the parent he told me if this comp was very important to me ( YGO stratton) I should go for it. As the doctor he said I was coming along and I could let it keep healing, but theres a possiblity that no healing will occur because in the miniscus blood is only scarce in certain areas which can leave others area never healing. He is unsure if it will heal or not like I could go back in after rehabing for 3 weeks or even 3 months and the tear could still be present.My doctor and a radiologist both were unsure if it was even a tear they said it could possibly be one but they were kinda in a debate and put down tear to be safe I geuss. Im caught in the middle between the two. Its a small tear and I have been skiing on it, even skiing on it a few days in a row, So im asking anyone, esspecially people with related injury to this area, to help me with my decision. I should also throw in 2 weeks later after YGO I have Nationals out in Tahoe. But in reality more is at stake in YGO. I know this isnt very well organized but im pretty confused right now. thanks for any help.