Replying to I'm tired of politics. I really can't take it anymore. Oh, and I no longer believe in America
I can't stand all this political bullshit I'm being forced to deal with in my day to day life and here on newschoolers. It is way too much o handle. I personally don't think that either political party is going to be our salvation at this point. It feels like the people pulling strings behind the scenes will get what they want no matter who is in office. Both parties are week, old, and tired. All anyone does is argue about the same issues over and over and NOTHING has been done to advance or better our society in the past 3 or 4 administrations. Our parents generation has fucked up and all but destroyed the political arena and our society as a whole. Their great aspirations and hippy dreams have turned into the biggest pile of bullshit that has existed in the history of democracy.
The only solution is a legitimate 3rd party with several billion dollars of funding, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon. There needs to be a movement, A REVOLUTION, to say that we aren't going to put up with this bullshit, REGARDLESS OF WHAT PARTY IS IN OFFICE!!!
Some of us need a wake up call-
If you are conservative, the Bush administration has trashed your conservative values by sending hundreds of thousands of troups overseas while the borders of our country are still wide open to anyone who wants to walk in. He has made a fool out of you by increasing government spending several times larger than the Clinton administrion did! IT IS A MOCKERY! IT IS A JOKE!!!
If you are liberal, don't think that ANY CANDIDATE supported by the democrats would save us right now. Do you think John Fucking Kerry would actually turn things around? He is a polical whore! A puppet!- swanging his leanings to the side that makes it easiest for him and gives his party the most support. He has no great dream, no great ambition that we need to get back on track! AND HE WAS THE BEST CANDIDATE THAT YOUR PARTY COULD COME UP WITH!!!
We need two things- A legitimate third party (or even a 3rd and a 4th party) that respect the opinions of voters and offer ambition and guidance- something that we as Amercicans haven't had in a least 2 decades, but realistically more like 4 ot even 6 decades. We have the power to advance society! We have the power to become whatever our greatest dreams hold, but not with the current political system and political leaders. We could redistribute funding from pork barrel and military spending and build the most incredible civilization the world has ever known! We could cure diseases, have the most educated citizens of any society in history BY A LONG SHOT, but we need ambition. Another country builds the worlds tallest building- DOUBLE IT! Lets put a colony on the moon, lets send a man (or a woman) to mars! Then, instead of isolationg ourselves and become arogant, we can choose to include others. We as a collective humanity could turn things around for so many people.
The sad thing is, I don't see any of this happening anytime soon. I feel like the best option for me right now is to give up on society and leave it to rot. I can find happiness living in the mountains away from it all in this country or any other country. There was a dream that was America but that dream is all but dead.
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