ummm... errrrr..... ummm... wow. i.. uh.. hmmm..
i don't know what to say. i was with you pretty much the whole way.
i agree there are many, many inconsitencies about the whole thing (NORAD staing down, something on the underbelly of one of the planes, buildings being pulled yadda yadda etc), and ia gree there is much that we need to know, and hell, there might have been a large consipracy, be it known by the upper levels of the government orm orchestrated way below...
but dang, to play off bin laden as having a religion of peace... wow, let me laugh.
so his religion OFFICIALLY says that you're not supposed to kill innocents? riiiight, thats what most islamic sects preach too. but NO ONE cares about what it officially says.
fact is, slap on the word infidel, and there's no problem in killing innocent people. oh wait, did i say innocent? i meant: people who do not believe int he unity and oneness of Allah.
that is to say christians (trinity), atheists, and pretty much every damned other person in this world except muslims.
you're lying to yourself if you honestly believe bin laden and other islamic extremists wouldn't attack and innocent person. in their eyes, anyone is a traitor to allah, an infidel, and according to the Koran, deserve to die...
let's try to NOT play people for something they aren't, please...
and also, can we, i dunno, move on? knowing whether or not the government of the USA did orchestrate the attacks does not help me decide the next move i should do with the girl im in love with, nor does it help me be a better person to everyone around. at best, it gives some comfort in knowing the gorvernment wouldn't harm it's own people for monetary gain. but most likely and at worst because of human nature, all it does is add stress to my life, and make paranoia all the more easy to have...
we might know what happended in 20 years, but maybe not. maybe we'll never know. just live life.
but go yeti! woo!