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The real TRUTH behind 9/11
Posts: 276
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Posts: 9669
Karma: 448
posted already. it was already disproven. its just theory.
Posts: 2629
Karma: 329
good video although it leaves out a much needed explaining of the search bar...
Posts: 276
Karma: 10
theory? all of the things stated are FACTS! science!
Posts: 6335
Karma: 17
Posts: 2629
Karma: 329
pretty hard to disprove the buildings falling down from explosives. aka the truth.
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
oh god take a step back and really think about that. if indeed the government planned or assisted in carrying out attacks on US soil they the entire government, left and right, is not only corrupt but sick as fuck! Do you think that people in power would kill thousands of their own to start a war with the eventual outcome being money? Especially when the people in power are rich as fuck anyways. Dont get sucked into the absurdity of this little peice, its even dumber than saying we didnt land on the moon, or Kennedy was killed by aliens.
Posts: 276
Karma: 10
ok so if it falls down wouldn't it fall down in big chunks? how did it turn into tons of little pieces. how did it fall straight down? how did jet fuel (keroseen) melt steel? jet fuel burns at alot less then the 1538°C required to melt steel. why do welders use oxy-acetalyne torches? do u think they should just pour some keroseen on it?
Posts: 306
Karma: 8
it has strong points, it has week points. thats all behind us, bush is a terrible president but he will be out of our hair eventually. no need to get stressed and argue. i wish that you could be that fervent about bush's lack of environmentalism. skiing needs that.
Posts: 6335
Karma: 17
look back at history my friend...staging attacks to gain domestic sympathy and push social reforms is an ancient tried and true method.
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
Posts: 276
Karma: 10
if by teacher you mean world famous professor at the 2nd biggest university in the country then maybe...
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
Posts: 276
Karma: 10
enough with the personal attacks. havn't u ever taken a class on persuasion? SCREAMING IN ALL CAPITALS DOESN'T DO ANYTHING AND MAKES YOU LOOK IGNORANT! how bout you say something about the real issue...
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
You realize that anything he could possibly say or show would bear some kind of bias, right? You've always been so angry... the suggestion that the administration was responsible for 9/11 is almost laughable, it's basically a bad joke... why get so worked up about it? You're going to have a heart attack at 35, dude. And I pity whoever you get to marry you. Please don't hit her, okay? It doesn't matter if she liked Bowling for Columbine IV or whatever, just caaaaalm down already, not everything needs to be about blind KILL EVERYONE rage. I seriously hope you're just one of those people who uses the internet as a stress ball and aren't like this in real life because it'd make just about any social situation really awkward... imagine being out at a bar and you start screaming at the waiter because the forgot the garnish for your cosmopolitan. I mean, really. All I'm trying to tell you is, stop going incredible hulk all the time, your blood pressure will thank you for listening to me.
Posts: 6335
Karma: 17
Posts: 276
Karma: 10
and as we've all learned histry does repeat itself...
Posts: 153
Karma: 10
you have to be really ignorant or mentally retarded to actually believe that bullshit video.
Posts: 6335
Karma: 17
you have to be really ignorant or mentally retarded to completely discount it as rubbish.
Posts: 276
Karma: 10
yeah what parts are bullshit?
Posts: 6680
Karma: 15
I agree, only because of the way you worded it, "discount it as rubbish". I think there might be a sliver of truth, but hey who knows. You can't discount anything this early after the event, because it is still very present and the truth probably won't come out until years later.
Posts: 3939
Karma: 22
I'm intrested and am going to review this shit. However, I still think that murdering thousands of people is a totally different ballgame than sinking a ship to start a scuffle with the Cubans.
Posts: 6335
Karma: 17
that site is pretty left wing, but is still a great daily resource for news that deffinitely wont make it to CNN.
check out infowars.com too. As always though, grain of salt. Recognize the bias but dont ignore the idea.
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
good thing you got those articles from an unbiased sourve, yay for everything on the internet being true
Posts: 1798
Karma: 11
didnt have time to watch it but looks interesting, there was some weird shit going down that day...
Posts: 6335
Karma: 17
i never claimed that the site wasnt bias, but most everything there is pretty much common knowledge.
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
for most sane people this becomes the cutoff point for acceptable news
Posts: 276
Karma: 10
so we should believe everything on CNN where one producer can control the content but not the internet where everyone can have an opinion? and we should limit ourselves to just CNN? wouldn't that lead us towards being biased towards only CNN's acount of things?
Posts: 276
Karma: 10
Posts: 1359
Karma: 23
sorry but I watched it happen...saw the flames from the first strike, walked out of my cousins apartment and watched and heard the second plane hit
take off your tin foil hat
Posts: 1359
Karma: 23
three college friends of mine worked for Merril-Lynch, that was a real plane with real people on board who died....your conspiracy theory BS is just fine, until you break down the FACT that this was witnessed by so many of us....you are wrong on this one
how Bush has used this to aid his propaganda war is a diferent story, but your way off base
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,002
What the fuck is this about unbiased...
EVERYTHING is biased... Can you name one thing on this entire planet that isnt biased? I mean really.
This whole site has a pretty strong bias.. we are all skiers and we dislike snowboarding for the most part.
The media is biased, they say whatever will get people watching thier storys and giving them commercial money.
schools are biased, classrooms are biased, governments, government programs, buisnesses large and small... all biased.
There is nothing that has no stereotypical opinon about anything.
think about it, you may not be actually "racist" but you must admit to have some stereotypical thoughts about another race, whether it be white, black, asian whatever.
It may not even refer to race or partisan belief either.. I mean cmon.. you can not say that you are unbiased in saying that burger king and McDonalds are the same, as if both hamburgers are the same and everything tastes alike..
You can not believe that.
Stop being such a hypocritical bitch...
Posts: 6335
Karma: 17
word fucking up. quoting that cuz its a great post.
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,002
Posts: 1250
Karma: 113
Fuck Bush, im sure some parts of this vid were untrue, but i bet you the majority is true. the director gave enough facts to convince me, fuck man osama is just a scape goat while bush goes off murdering thousands, including my father. Fuck our president may he burn in hell that god damn nazi
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
where did you get all that shit from, im saying believing shit from that site is just about as intelligent as believing something from the KKK's website, believing any extremist, whether it be right or left winged is just dumb
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,002
I choose not to believe the video.
Nor to I really care, for America will fix itself and we will be rid of this Bush character soon enough.
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
thanks, but read my post above this, i agree with you that 95% of shit we hear is biased, maybe more, but most people can wrecognize an extreme bias when they see one, theres a big difference between this kind of bias and the kind of bias on cable news
Posts: 6335
Karma: 17
i would have to disagree. I'd say most people - maybe not 'cant' - but refuse to look for the bias. They are just as happy being spoon fed everything they consume.
Posts: 4636
Karma: 31
the collaborated FACTS in this video are actual reseached variables proving what a conspiracy 9/11 is...ignorance is expressed by idiots who believe unrepresented government brainwash. lets face it...as sick as it makes me feel, 9/11 was a government agenda for profit, power and imperiacal expansion
fuck this government
Posts: 1250
Karma: 113
Posts: 24730
Karma: 30,002
hoookay so, I say that us californians should just break off from the rest of the united states...
to go hang with hawaii...
alaska can come too...
Posts: 9669
Karma: 448
No not proving. Researching VARIABLES means researching possible things that COULD have happened. Besides, Bush wouldn't have needed to pull a 9/11 to go to war, we have been in a sort of cold war with iraq ever since the gulf war. Bush found links between al queda and iraq, and went in to investigate iraq, which yeilded the wmd's which gave him the initiative he needed to go to war. Ignorance is also believing everything you hear from some random guy on the internet.
Posts: 1250
Karma: 113
well I seriously hope the apocolypse is coming soon so these old white sleezy corrupt politicians will be wiped off the face of the earth and not be able to reproduce into more politicians
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
if you really believe that everything in that video was fact, i feel terribly sorry for you
Posts: 6335
Karma: 17
Posts: 357
Karma: 30
any body with enough time can find little tidbits here and there and pu them together to manipulate the view of the film, im not saying its not true or that it is all im saying is that we may never know and if who ever was behind this doesnt want us to know we may never get to the bottom of it period, do you really think information the govnt doesnt want you to see gets out? you only see what they want you to see and if it drums up controversy all the more better the media and political parties love controversy thats the only way they can get the masses to listen to what they have to say
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
do you honestly think he would take the trouble of flying two planes into the world trade center, to have 4 planes full of people, one with people that were still alive and called their relatives, who reported muslim terrorists on the plane, dont you think that would be a little bit hard to cover up, there would be millions of different ways to accomplish just as much damage and destruction with many less people involved, dont you think one of those people would have half of a conscience and say something, why hasnt there been anything in the news or any other semi-reputable source about this, why hasnt anyone other than one shady internet fucker said this was a possibility, WHY WOULD THE GOVERNMENT EVEN BOTHER FLYING PLANES INTO THE FUCKING BUILDING IF THERE WERE BOMBS IN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE, IT DOESNT ADD UP PEOPLE, THIS WOULD BE POSSIBLY THE MOST IMRACTICAL AND IDIOTIC WAY TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS, AND I THINK IF IT WERE THAT BIG OF A CONSPIRACY THEY WOULD HAVE THE SENSE TO DO IT INTELLIGENTLY
Posts: 357
Karma: 30
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