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God...why does this happen the first time?
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Karma: 575
Ok. So, for the first time, my parents leave out of town with only me there. The second they leave, you know what time it is. I throw a party. I planned to ahve about 20 people there. instead, about 100 come. booze everywhere, and i can't throw people. out. The shit is about to hit the fan.
The cops come. i tell everyone to get out, i take as many bottles in a trash bag as i can, and run. cops lock down my house and i crawl through a window after they leave. nothing's broken, but my parents know, and i grounded for ever! fuck. but they still let me ski.
So the question is.... should i ahve stayed at my own house to meet the cop? i didn't drink, but it was all over my house. Should I have stayed, or booked shit like i did?
Posts: 8188
Karma: 38
you probably shouldnt have had the party
Posts: 4662
Karma: 15
i dont know, it probly would have been better for you to stay and talk to the cop, and just tell him that you were planning on having a few of your friends over, and word accidentaly got out. or something like that. but it makes sense to run too i guess.
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Karma: 3,460
get a big black door man with a list. it makes your party look way cooler. and it keeps idiots from trashing your house.
why would anybody trash another persons house, anyway. thats just being a bad guest!
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Karma: 13
dude why would you throw a party you gota expect tons of people you dont know to show up. also watch out for valuables im sure plenty of stuff will ge tstolen. and you think 50 strangers will respect your place? think again.
Posts: 9529
Karma: 20,654
hahahah truly no manners at all
Posts: 7803
Karma: 466
house party + no parents around to boot kids out if shit hits the fan + 20 kids who probably spread the word = your asking for a disaster
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Karma: 15
you guys have no balls^. its not his fault a lot of people came. how can you not throw a small party when your parents are gone?
Posts: 3001
Karma: 375
i think it depends on where you live. when the cops broke shit up at my house and my friends places they were usually pretty chill as long as we were cooperative. but i know especially in the states u can get in serious shit.
Posts: 941
Karma: 7
That only happens to people who have thier first party. Those parties are usually the most fun too, except for the owner.
Posts: 1283
Karma: 15
cops can't do shit man. Chill out. They're not even allowed to come inside unless you let them...well unless there are kids everywhere and the doors open.
Posts: 1661
Karma: 10
How did it get out of hand that bad to begin with? I mean shit. Sounds like you just cant say no.
Posts: 1283
Karma: 15
I've seen it happen so many times. Always the younger kids when I was in highschool, give an open invitation thinkin only their friends will come, all of a sudden peeps are comin in through the back door and your moms jewellery's stolen. Fuckers.
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Karma: 17
Posts: 1283
Karma: 15
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Karma: 10
you just have to pull out some knives and threaten people, then theyll get out of your house pretty quick
Posts: 6573
Karma: 197
you should have stayed, you could have said there was no alcohol until some kids showed up and you tried to resolve it and get them out but they didnt.
Posts: 1135
Karma: 10
parties when parents aren't home don't turn out well
Posts: 431
Karma: 12
dude my friend has parties when his mom is gone to work, but she knos about the parties. usually the cops come like 2 or 3 times and theres about 50ppl that go, he throws some of the best parties in town too
Posts: 354
Karma: 82
Posts: 1297
Karma: 30
you should have invited a shit load of people to your friends house so if the cops come you dont get in trouble, actually scrub that, invite mad people to osme one you hates house, but seriously i would have gotten out of their, you would have gotten in trub with your rents and the cops
Posts: 3457
Karma: 41
lol good response
probly stayed
Posts: 1394
Karma: 37
just grab your pops gun even if its not loaded and start acting all crazy and shit kids will get the message
Posts: 3710
Karma: 23
not in montana MIP for anybody at the party drunk or not if theres beer or anything.
Posts: 5606
Karma: 195
Man, completely wrong. I have been at busted partys where the cops bust everyone and breathalize one by one, with the only kids getting MIPS are the ones whose BAC is above .02
Posts: 1579
Karma: 10
as i see it, if your doin that you have to trust that the people you invite are cool enough not to invite a bunch of other sketchy fuckers. or prep you house first and get three or four of your friends to hang out with you as security
Posts: 13156
Karma: 19,498
everyone knows that unsupervised house parties ALWAYS go bad!
Posts: 1991
Karma: 14
The key is not to tell anyone until as late as possible, if they are good friends they will come no matter when you tell them. Try not to let the whole school know before you have it, and even if you only told a few people, word leaks. Keep it on the DL for future reference.
Also, if you were toting your "parents away from home party oppurtunity" all week to try to make new friends, obviously word is going to get out, and people won't feel bad about trashing your house.
Posts: 149
Karma: 12
don't throw a small party.. have like 5 people
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Karma: 703
Posts: 149
Karma: 12
so basically everyone at montana parties ;)
Posts: 7883
Karma: 17
i was talking about him, usually by 18 your friends have matured and dont act like retards at parties and break everything
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