Since buying this camera, I have used it to shoot two 50 ft. Color rolls of film and no more. I always have enjoyed the look of a Super 8 once placed into a movie, but I have no desire to keep this considering I'm in a need for money. I know you could just say "Get a job!", which I agree with you, but as of right now, I just had Shoulder Repair surgery done (Torn Labrum & Torn Bicep Tendon) so I will be out of work for a few weeks/month. Until then, I really am in the need for money.
The camera is a Canon Auto Zoom 814, which includes a f1.4 7.5 - 60mm Lens, which is in perfect condition. It also includes your choice of manual or auto exposure and the ability to shoot at 12, 18, or 24 fps. I found it on and it is going for $349 as you can see.
The camera is also loaded with Kodak Plus-X Reversal B&W film at the moment, which is 50ft./roll and only 10ft. have been used thus far, basically including a free roll of film already loaded. I will change the batteries so that the light meter will be working, which is as simple as four AA batteries. Photos have been taken, but need to find my cable to upload them, will be uploaded ASAP. If you have any other questions about the camera, feel free to PM me.
Also am including a Baia Mark II Super 8 film viewer for free. I am basing my price mainly off of the site given above, but I'd like to get $120 + shipping. If this seems rediculously high, let me know, because I always am pretty unsure of what to price things at. PM me with any questions and I will check back here to see any replies.
Also for sale is a 37mm Kenko .43x Fisheye, which also includes a macro at the bottom. To make the shot more fisheye, you can take the macro off and you will get a more warped shot. I bought this for $50 new and would like to get $20 + shipping for it.
PM me with any questions. Thanks.
Photos of everything will be up as soon as I find my cable to connect my camera to my computer.